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  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-4808 Address console issues when using ACM policy Gatekeeper integration
  3. ACM-4818

[QE] ACM-4808: Address console issues when using ACM policy Gatekeeper integration


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • ACM-2707 - ACM Gatekeeper Enhancements
    • GRC Sprint 2023-05, GRC Sprint 2023-06

      Completion checklist:

      If Analysis/overview was done and no QE effort is required: Sub-Task can be Closed.

      [X] - Test cases created in Polarion and referenced here
      [X] - Test cases are reviewed and approved
      [X] - Test runs executed in Polarion and referenced here

      Test run:https://polarion.engineering.redhat.com/polarion/#/project/RHACM4K/testrun?id=GRC-StoryTest-ACM4808 

      Proposed Scenarios:

      YAML: https://github.com/stolostron/acmqe-grc-test/blob/main/tests/cypress/config/install_gatekeeper_operator_policy/native-gakekeeper-policy.yaml#L41

      • Remove severity from constraint template and constraint
      Scenario Expected result
      1. Use YAML editor to create a policy with content where severity field is in the GK contrainttemplate, contraint templates.  Verify that severity field drop down is not present in policy-template and check appropriate resources are created successfully
      2. Use YAML editor to create a policy with content where severity field  is not in the GK contrainttemplate, contraint templates.  Verify that resources are created.
      3. Use CLI to create a policy with content where severity field is in the GK contrainttemplate, contraint templates.  Verify that resoruces are created. Severity should be ignored.


      • Remove remediation from constraint template and constraint
      Scenario Expected result
      4. Use YAML editor to create a policy with content where remediation field in the GK contrainttemplate, contraint templates.  Verify that remediation field  checkbox group is not present in UI and create policy to check appropriate resources are created successfully.
      5. Use YAML editor to create a policy with content where remediation field not in the GK contrainttemplate, constraint templates.  Verify that remediation field  checkbox group is not present in  and create policy to check appropriate resources are created successfully
      6. Use CLI to create above  policy. (Remediation is included) Remediation field should be ignored.
      7. Verify details should display correct template details with details of the resources (Remediation and severity included)  
      8. Check regression:   


      Automation Scope:

      Polarion test for UI:


              rh-ee-manravi ManiKrishna Sai Ravi
              acm-jira-bot ACM Bot
              Derek Ho Derek Ho
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