Uploaded image for project: 'Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management'
  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-4805

Observability - auto - grafana-dev auto case failed in Jenkins job


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Moderate
    • No

      RHACM4K-1705: Observability: Setup a Grafana develop instance [P1][Sev1][Observability][Integration] (grafana_dev/g0) /home/centos/workspace/qe-acm-automation-poc/obs_e2e_test_execution/tests/pkg/tests/observability_grafana_dev_test.go:21
      I0405 00:11:44.924496 4914 observability_grafana_dev_test.go:26] the output of grafana-dev-test.sh: configmap/sample-dashboard created
      secret/grafana-dev-config created
      deployment.apps/grafana-dev created
      service/grafana-dev created
      serviceaccount/grafana-dev created
      apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
      kind: ClusterRoleBinding
      creationTimestamp: "2023-04-05T00:03:21Z"
      observability.open-cluster-management.io/name: observability
      name: open-cluster-management:grafana-crb-dev

      • apiVersion: observability.open-cluster-management.io/v1beta2
        blockOwnerDeletion: true
        controller: true
        kind: MultiClusterObservability
        name: observability
        uid: 6be9c7dd-84d6-4e5b-9803-e8ed1d8dacaa
        resourceVersion: "766887"
        uid: 97c2e980-099f-4a90-9727-d001bd5f32e9
        apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
        kind: ClusterRole
        name: open-cluster-management:grafana
      • kind: ServiceAccount
        name: grafana-dev
        namespace: open-cluster-management-observability
        clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/open-cluster-management:grafana-crb-dev created
        route.route.openshift.io/grafana-dev created
        persistentvolumeclaim/grafana-dev created
        oauthclient.oauth.openshift.io/grafana-proxy-client-dev created
        deployment.apps/grafana-dev patched
        service/grafana-dev patched
        route.route.openshift.io/grafana-dev patched
        oauthclient.oauth.openshift.io/grafana-proxy-client-dev patched
        clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/open-cluster-management:grafana-crb-dev patched
        Retrying in 10s for waiting for grafana-dev pod ready ...
        Retrying in 10s for waiting for grafana-dev pod ready ...
        Retrying in 10s for waiting for grafana-dev pod ready ...
        Retrying in 10s for waiting for grafana-dev pod ready ...
        Retrying in 10s for waiting for grafana-dev pod ready ...
        Retrying in 10s for waiting for grafana-dev pod ready ...
        Retrying in 10s for waiting for grafana-dev pod ready ...
        Retrying in 10s for waiting for grafana-dev pod ready ...
        Retrying in 10s for waiting for grafana-dev pod ready ...
        Retrying in 10s for waiting for grafana-dev pod ready ...
        Retrying in 10s for waiting for grafana-dev pod ready ...
        Retrying in 10s for waiting for grafana-dev pod ready ...
        Retrying in 10s for waiting for grafana-dev pod ready ...
        Retrying in 10s for waiting for grafana-dev pod ready ...
        Retrying in 10s for waiting for grafana-dev pod ready ...
        Retrying in 10s for waiting for grafana-dev pod ready ...
        Retrying in 10s for waiting for grafana-dev pod ready ...
        Retrying in 10s for waiting for grafana-dev pod ready ...
        Retrying in 10s for waiting for grafana-dev pod ready ...
        Retrying in 10s for waiting for grafana-dev pod ready ...
        Retrying in 10s for waiting for grafana-dev pod ready ...
        Retrying in 10s for waiting for grafana-dev pod ready ...
        Retrying in 10s for waiting for grafana-dev pod ready ...
        Retrying in 10s for waiting for grafana-dev pod ready ...
        Retrying in 10s for waiting for grafana-dev pod ready ...
        Retrying in 10s for waiting for grafana-dev pod ready ...
        Retrying in 10s for waiting for grafana-dev pod ready ...
        Retrying in 10s for waiting for grafana-dev pod ready ...
        Retrying in 10s for waiting for grafana-dev pod ready ...
        Retrying in 10s for waiting for grafana-dev pod ready ...
        Failed waiting for grafana-dev pod ready in 300s
        I0405 00:11:44.925601 4914 utils.go:58] Create kubeclient for url https://api.acmqe-280-ec2.dev09.red-chesterfield.com:6443 using kubeconfig path /root/.kube/config
        I0405 00:11:44.925655 4914 utils.go:211] Kubeconfig path /root/.kube/config
        I0405 00:11:45.543073 4914 utils.go:73] Create kubeclient dynamic for url https://api.acmqe-280-ec2.dev09.red-chesterfield.com:6443 using kubeconfig path /root/.kube/config
        I0405 00:11:45.543105 4914 utils.go:211] Kubeconfig path /root/.kube/config
        I0405 00:11:45.557601 4914 mco_deploy.go:192] MCO spec: {
        "advanced": {
        "alertmanager": {
        "replicas": 2,
        Unknown macro: { "limits"}

        "compact": {

        Unknown macro: { "limits"}

        "serviceAccountAnnotations": {
        "test.com/role-arn": "s3_role"
        "grafana": {
        "replicas": 3,

        Unknown macro: { "limits"}

        "observatoriumAPI": {
        "replicas": 3,

        Unknown macro: { "limits"}

        "query": {
        "replicas": 3,

        Unknown macro: { "limits"}

        "serviceAccountAnnotations": {
        "test.com/role-arn": "s3_role"
        "queryFrontend": {
        "replicas": 3,

        Unknown macro: { "limits"}

        "queryFrontendMemcached": {
        "connectionLimit": 2048,
        "maxItemSize": "2m",
        "memoryLimitMb": 2048,
        "replicas": 3,

        Unknown macro: { "limits"}

        "rbacQueryProxy": {
        "replicas": 3,

        Unknown macro: { "limits"}

        "receive": {
        "replicas": 2,

        Unknown macro: { "limits"}

        "serviceAccountAnnotations": {
        "test.com/role-arn": "s3_role"
        "retentionConfig": {
        "blockDuration": "3h",
        "deleteDelay": "50h",
        "retentionInLocal": "5d",
        "retentionResolution1h": "31d",
        "retentionResolution5m": "15d",
        "retentionResolutionRaw": "6d"
        "rule": {
        "replicas": 1,

        Unknown macro: { "limits"}

        "serviceAccountAnnotations": {
        "test.com/role-arn": "s3_role"
        "store": {
        "replicas": 3,

        Unknown macro: { "limits"}

        "serviceAccountAnnotations": {
        "test.com/role-arn": "s3_role"
        "storeMemcached": {
        "connectionLimit": 2048,
        "maxItemSize": "2m",
        "memoryLimitMb": 2048,
        "replicas": 2,

        Unknown macro: { "limits"}

        "enableDownsampling": true,
        "imagePullSecret": "multiclusterhub-operator-pull-secret",
        "nodeSelector": {
        "kubernetes.io/os": "linux"
        "observabilityAddonSpec": {
        "enableMetrics": true,
        "interval": 30,

        Unknown macro: { "limits"}

        "storageConfig": {
        "alertmanagerStorageSize": "2Gi",
        "compactStorageSize": "2Gi",

        { "key": "thanos.yaml", "name": "thanos-object-storage" }

        "receiveStorageSize": "2Gi",
        "ruleStorageSize": "2Gi",
        "storageClass": "gp2",
        "storeStorageSize": "2Gi"
        I0405 00:11:45.557639 4914 mco_deploy.go:193] MCO status: {
        "conditions": [

        { "lastTransitionTime": "2023-04-05T00:03:25Z", "message": "Installation is in progress", "reason": "Installing", "status": "True", "type": "Installing" }

        "lastTransitionTime": "2023-04-05T00:04:49Z",
        "message": "Observability components are deployed and running",
        "reason": "Ready",
        "status": "True",
        "type": "Ready"
        I0405 00:11:45.557659 4914 utils.go:58] Create kubeclient for url https://api.acmqe-280-ec2.dev09.red-chesterfield.com:6443 using kubeconfig path /root/.kube/config
        I0405 00:11:45.557667 4914 utils.go:211] Kubeconfig path /root/.kube/config
        I0405 00:11:45.593842 4914 mco_deploy.go:161] Get <32> pods in <open-cluster-management-observability> namespace
        I0405 00:11:45.593885 4914 mco_deploy.go:171] Pod <grafana-dev-67cd8b57db-vz4cs> is not <Ready> on <Pending> status due to v1.PodStatus{Phase:"Pending", Conditions:[]v1.PodCondition{v1.PodCondition{Type:"PodScheduled", Status:"False", LastProbeTime:time.Date(1, time.January, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC), LastTransitionTime:time.Date(2023, time.April, 5, 0, 6, 34, 0, time.Local), Reason:"SchedulerError", Message:"running PreFilter plugin \"VolumeBinding\": %!w(<nil>)"}}, Message:"", Reason:"", NominatedNodeName:"", HostIP:"", PodIP:"", PodIPs:[]v1.PodIP(nil), StartTime:<nil>, InitContainerStatuses:[]v1.ContainerStatus(nil), ContainerStatuses:[]v1.ContainerStatus(nil), QOSClass:"Burstable", EphemeralContainerStatuses:[]v1.ContainerStatus(nil)}
        I0405 00:11:45.594034 4914 utils.go:58] Create kubeclient for url https://api.acmqe-280-ec2.dev09.red-chesterfield.com:6443 using kubeconfig path /root/.kube/config
        I0405 00:11:45.594040 4914 utils.go:211] Kubeconfig path /root/.kube/config

      I0405 00:11:45.607172 4914 mco_deploy.go:232] Get <2> pods in <open-cluster-management-addon-observability> namespace from managedcluster*• Failure [326.166 seconds]/home/centos/workspace/qe-acm-automation-poc/obs_e2e_test_execution/tests/pkg/tests/observability_grafana_dev_test.go:17 *RHACM4K-1705: Observability: Setup a Grafana develop instance [P1][Sev1][Observability][Integration] (grafana_dev/g0) [It] /home/centos/workspace/qe-acm-automation-poc/obs_e2e_test_execution/tests/pkg/tests/observability_grafana_dev_test.go:21

      Unexpected error:
      <*exec.ExitError | 0xc00317e000>: {
      ProcessState: {
      pid: 5045,
      status: 256,
      rusage: {

      {Sec: 10, Usec: 626847}

      Stime: {Sec: 4, Usec: 726869},
      Maxrss: 222368,
      Ixrss: 0,
      Idrss: 0,
      Isrss: 0,
      Minflt: 1033081,
      Majflt: 3,
      Nswap: 0,
      Inblock: 2784,
      Oublock: 477448,
      Msgsnd: 0,
      Msgrcv: 0,
      Nsignals: 0,
      Nvcsw: 30181,
      Nivcsw: 1533,
      Stderr: nil,
      exit status 1


            cquredhat ChangLiang Qu
            cquredhat ChangLiang Qu
            ACM QE Team
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
