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  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-4452

Submariner / Nexodus Integration


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    • Submariner Sprint 2023-8, Submariner Sprint 2023-9, Submariner Sprint 2023-10, Submariner Sprint 2023-11, Submariner Sprint 2023-12
    • No

      Value Statement

      Nexodus is an experimental project started by the Emerging Technologies team in the OCTO. It is exploring how to provide easy IP connectivity among a set of hosts via a hosted service.

      Submariner also includes code for managing tunneled connectivity between hosts. The opportunity here is to see if the experience provided by Nexodus would be a useful way to meet that requirement of Submariner. Instead of managing IPSEC tunnels directly, Submariner would ensure the Nexodus service is running and that the hosts that need to be connected are enrolled in the service.

      Put another way, the purpose of this spike is to explore whether Nexodus represents a way to make use of a more general solution to managing secure IP connectivity between hosts that may span different types of infrastructure with firewalls and NAT gateways in between.

      Definition of Done for Engineering Story Owner (Checklist)

      • PoC of a Nexodus based cable driver
      • A write-up on lessons learned from this spike: what went well, what challenges were encountered, and what next steps are recommended if we were to pursue this further?

            sgaddam@redhat.com Gaddam Sridhar
            rbryant@redhat.com Russell Bryant
            0 Vote for this issue
            6 Start watching this issue
