Completion checklist:
If Analysis/overview was done and no QE effort is required: Sub-Task can be Closed.
[X] - Test cases created in Polarion and referenced here
[X] - Test cases are reviewed and approved
[X] - Test runs executed in Polarion and referenced here
Note: Deprecation banner is done in
Proposed Scenarios:
- Existing policies with PlacementRules which use yaml editor should continue to work as normal with no changes (regression)
* need only one PlacementRule test case to check the deprecation banner(if implemented), and make sure PlacementRule continues to work
2. UI Automation tests need to be verified to ensure they are updated (if required) to adapt to new minor Placement creation UI
* For panel navigation tests, create only new test to test the new Placement panel. i.e. create a new placement and select one clusterset. Do not need to test multiple clustersets. Test the deployment and then clean up
* Another new test to select existing Placement with one clusterset. Test the deployment and then clean up
3. Policy create/Edit Wizard
* Default when selecting New placement should be Placement instead of PlacementRule (covered in 2a above)
* Default when selecting Existing placement should be Placement instead of PlacementRule and should list down placement options in the dropdown (covered in 2b above)
* For “Existing placement”, add one more case: First, create p1 with placemenrule. Then, create p2 with existing placement but select p1's placementrule. The console should allow it and deployment should work. Test the deployment and then clean up
4. Policy Details page
* Placement kind should be shown appropriately according to the selected either PlacementRule or Placement
* Same for PolicySet details.
5. - look for createPolicySetFromWizard() - if applicable, duplicate createPolicySetFromWizard() and other UI methods and change to use new Placement.
* Duplicate RHACM4K-10218 and change the new test to use Placement.
* Duplicate RHACM4K-10220 and RHACM4K-10223 and change new tests to use Placement.
* Duplicate RHACM4K-11166 to use existing Placement. - Bind the newly created Namespaces and default to global clusterset