• Icon: Sub-task Sub-task
    • Resolution: Unresolved
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    • Release Management
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    • False
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    • False
    • ACM-633 - RHACM Assembly and Channels for Market Consumption

      Current view in-place for 2.8:

      • Trains are 2 sprints long, and represent a stable release (Docs, Quality, Security) of a product that is usable by customers.


      • Features are the top-level set of capabilities to help solve a market problem (PM defined). Features can span Trains and can contain multiple Epics.


      • An Epic delivers a set of capabilities towards partial or complete fulfillment of a Feature on a single Train (i.e. stageable delivery of a set of capabilities within a Feature). Epics can span sprints, but not a Train.
        • This is a logical grouping of related capabilities to be conveyed to a user


      • Stories represent a discrete/small objective a user/persona can achieve (e.g. As a Admin, I can create a credential in the database). Stories should not span sprints.


      Discuss refinements. 

              njean@redhat.com Nelson Jean
              njean@redhat.com Nelson Jean
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