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  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-3477

When the hypershift addon is enabled, it should take ownership of existing hypershift operator


    • No

      I have noticed in some ACM clusters that there is an existing hypershift operator before enabling the hypershift feature or the addon. 


      Currently the hypershift addon agent does not upgrade the existing hypershift operator if it is not owned by the hypershift addon agent annotated by "hypershift.open-cluster-management.io/createBy: hypershift-addon"and most likely the hypershift operator is not compatible with the addon agent, the hypershift CLI binary or the MCE documentation. 


      When the hypershift addon is enabled, the expectation is that MCE/ACM should work with the hypershift operator to manage hosted clusters. So I think the addon agent should take ownership of the existing hypershift operator and upgrade it.


      There might be a situation where users want to life-cycle the hypershift operator separately from ACM.

      • the addon agent should recognize a special annotation in the hypershift operator deployment to skip life-cycle manage the HO
      • document this

              rokejungrh Roke Jung
              rokejungrh Roke Jung
              David Huynh David Huynh
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
