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  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-3262

Unable to make SSH connection to a bitbucket repo on a non-standard ssh port


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • ACM 2.8.0
    • ACM 2.6.0, ACM 2.8.0, ACM 2.7.0
    • Application Lifecycle
    • None
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Important
    • -
    • No

      Description of problem:

      Unable to make SSH connection to a bitbucket repo on a non-standard ssh port.

      The application fails with error:



      ssh: handshake failed: knownhosts: key is unknown Failed to git clone with the primary channel: ssh: handshake failed: knownh
      osts: key is unknown



      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable): ACM 2.6.3

      How reproducible: Always


      Actual results: Application deployment fails


      Expected results: Application should get deployed without any errors.


      Additional info:


      1. Logs:



      2023-02-06T18:21:12.040105641Z I0206 18:21:12.039939       1 hub_git.go:408] subscription-hub-reconciler "msg"="Channel config map with CA certs found"
      2023-02-06T18:21:12.041143948Z I0206 18:21:12.041096       1 gitrepo.go:225] Connecting to Git server via SSH
      2023-02-06T18:21:12.041175652Z I0206 18:21:12.041152       1 gitrepo.go:407] sshhostname =  bitbucket.example.com
      2023-02-06T18:21:12.041175652Z I0206 18:21:12.041169       1 gitrepo.go:408] sshhostport =  7999
      2023-02-06T18:21:12.041198356Z I0206 18:21:12.041186       1 gitrepo.go:410] Getting public SSH host key for bitbucket.example.com
      2023-02-06T18:21:12.041329418Z I0206 18:21:12.041305       1 gitrepo.go:416] Running command ssh-keyscan bitbucket.prod.stat -p 7999
      2023-02-06T18:21:12.122262450Z I0206 18:21:12.122192       1 gitrepo.go:425] SSH host key: bitbucket.example.com ssh-rsa AAAAy0mJCFWyt23sonLFbAItCjs6mhZ4/1hoJwdKEip2Izjmoir88/HBFUVBBQA9KRER5lPexbMgdXPBkhmFROdlN96FyFMmWqhsugCXJ6566B33r1N34iaJkRGd/hTg
      2023-02-06T18:21:12.122262450Z bitbucket.example.com ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAANSn39Ma/ptCqJmRIgzQHVqxI38XjhpyCC6
      2023-02-06T18:21:12.122262450Z bitbucket.example.com ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTEjh44ZIryEXoyhl
      2023-02-06T18:21:12.122448808Z I0206 18:21:12.122393       1 gitrepo.go:464] Using SSH known host keys
      2023-02-06T18:21:12.123689163Z E0206 18:21:12.122483       1 gitrepo.go:176] no secondary channel to try
      2023-02-06T18:21:12.123689163Z I0206 18:21:12.122493       1 gitrepo.go:294] Cloning ssh://git@bitbucket.prod.stat:7999/ops/generic-ocp4.git into /tmp/ocp-clusters/ocp-base-subscription
      2023-02-06T18:21:12.123689163Z I0206 18:21:12.122502       1 gitrepo.go:296] cloneOptions.DestDir = /tmp/ocp-clusters/ocp-base-subscription
      2023-02-06T18:21:12.123689163Z I0206 18:21:12.122510       1 gitrepo.go:297] cloneOptions.Branch = refs/heads/1644-tmp
      2023-02-06T18:21:12.123689163Z I0206 18:21:12.122520       1 gitrepo.go:298] cloneOptions.CommitHash =
      2023-02-06T18:21:12.123689163Z I0206 18:21:12.122528       1 gitrepo.go:299] cloneOptions.RevisionTag =
      2023-02-06T18:21:12.123689163Z I0206 18:21:12.122536       1 gitrepo.go:300] cloneOptions.CloneDepth = 0
      2023-02-06T18:21:12.142017611Z E0206 18:21:12.140795       1 gitrepo.go:306] ssh: handshake failed: knownhosts: key is unknown Failed to git clone with the primary channel: ssh: handshake failed: knownh
      osts: key is unknown
      2023-02-06T18:21:12.142017611Z E0206 18:21:12.140843       1 hub_git.go:475] subscription-hub-reconciler "msg"="failed to get commitID from initialDownload" "error"="Failed to clone git: ssh://git@bitbu
      cket.prod.stat:7999/ops/isq-ocp4-cd.git err: ssh: handshake failed: knownhosts: key is unknown"
      2023-02-06T18:21:12.142017611Z E0206 18:21:12.140866       1 mcmhub_controller.go:553] subscription-hub-reconciler/ocp-clusters/ocp-base-subscription "msg"="failed to initialize Git connection" "error"=
      "Failed to clone git: ssh://git@bitbucket.example.com:7999/ops/generic-ocp4.git err: ssh: handshake failed: knownhosts: key is unknown"


      2. Issue looks like regression of bug https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1973595


      3. Channel CR spec details:


          name: bitbucket-ca
      #insecureSkipVerify: true
        pathname: ssh://git@bitbucket.example.com:7999/ops/generic-ocp4.git
          name: openshift-lecture-access-key
        type: Git



            rh-ee-jmarcant Jonathan Marcantonio
            rhn-support-mlele Mihir Lele
            Ishmam Amin Ishmam Amin
            0 Vote for this issue
            7 Start watching this issue
