Description of problem:
We don't have exclusion/inclusion of files today.
You can either specify a full path or the real filename.
one workaround discussed might be to use Kustomize to list the files you want to include in a kustomization.yaml file.
If the Generator sees the kustomization.yaml file in the directory, it should treat the directory as a Kustomize directory and only handle those files.
a more concrete example which has been mentioned: We want to generate policy with resources based on a directory that has many resources in it. but want to limit what resources are included. the kind is in the filename, so we could key on that. for example, let's only include roles, nothing else.. ? so anything matching myDirectory/*.Role.yaml
Kustomize does not help here it seems
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
- ...