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  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-2145

managedclusters "local-cluster" not found and missing Submariner Broker CRD


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • None
    • ACM 2.7.0
    • None
    • Critical
    • No

      Description of problem:

      error: managedclusters.cluster.open-cluster-management.io "local-cluster" not found


      Error getting the Broker resource: no matches for kind "Broker" in version "submariner.io/v1alpha1"

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      ACM 2.7.0

      Submariner 0.14.0

      How reproducible:


      Steps to Reproduce:

      Install ACM 2.7.0 with Submariner 0.14.0:


      Actual results:

      $▶ oc get managedclusterset -A
      default True 50m
      global False 50m
      test-submariner-set False 48m

      $▶ oc get ManagedClusterSet -o jsonpath="



      $▶ oc get ManagedClusterSet test-submariner-set -o yaml
      apiVersion: cluster.open-cluster-management.io/v1beta2
      kind: ManagedClusterSet
      kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: |
      creationTimestamp: "2022-11-18T18:59:45Z"

      • cluster.open-cluster-management.io/managedclusterset-clusterrole
        generation: 1
        name: test-submariner-set
        resourceVersion: "154444"
        uid: f4a9c059-bb01-4c53-86b6-803fe05b8ed5
        selectorType: ExclusiveClusterSetLabel
      • lastTransitionTime: "2022-11-18T18:59:54Z"
        message: 2 ManagedClusters selected
        reason: ClustersSelected
        status: "False"
        type: ClusterSetEmpty
        subctl gather --dir submariner-gather_"aws-nmanos-a1" 
        Cluster "aws-nmanos-a1"
        I1118 22:16:35.551423   34168 request.go:601] Waited for 1.136604306s due to client-side throttling, not priority and fairness, request: GET :https://api.aws-nmanos-a1.devcluster.openshift.com:6443/apis/admission.hive.openshift.io/v1?timeout=32s 
        Gathering information from cluster "aws-nmanos-a1"
         • Gathering connectivity logs  ...
         ⚠ Gathering connectivity logs
         ⚠ The Submariner connectivity components are not installed
         • Gathering connectivity resources  ...
         ⚠ Gathering connectivity resources
         ⚠ The Submariner connectivity components are not installed
         • Gathering service-discovery logs  ...
         ⚠ Gathering service-discovery logs
         ⚠ The Submariner service discovery components are not installed
         • Gathering service-discovery resources  ...
         ⚠ Gathering service-discovery resources
         ⚠ The Submariner service discovery components are not installed
         • Gathering broker logs  ...
         ✓ Gathering broker logs
         • Gathering broker resources  ...
        I1118 22:16:46.351960   34168 request.go:601] Waited for 1.129712825s due to client-side throttling, not priority and fairness, request: GET :https://api.aws-nmanos-a1.devcluster.openshift.com:6443/apis/events.k8s.io/v1beta1?timeout=32s 
        I1118 22:16:56.551217   34168 request.go:601] Waited for 11.328869484s due to client-side throttling, not priority and fairness, request: GET :https://api.aws-nmanos-a1.devcluster.openshift.com:6443/apis/autoscaling.openshift.io/v1?timeout=32s 
        I1118 22:17:06.552228   34168 request.go:601] Waited for 21.329758394s due to client-side throttling, not priority and fairness, request: GET :https://api.aws-nmanos-a1.devcluster.openshift.com:6443/apis/imageregistry.open-cluster-management.io/v1alpha1?timeout=32s 
         ✗ Gathering broker resources
         ✗ Error getting the Broker resource: no matches for kind "Broker" in version "submariner.io/v1alpha1"
         • Gathering operator logs  ...
         ✓ Gathering operator logs
         ✓ Found 0 pods matching label selector "name=submariner-operator"
         • Gathering operator resources  ...
         ✗ Gathering operator resources
         ✗ Failed to gather submariners: error listing "submariners": the server could not find the requested resource
         ✗ Failed to gather servicediscoveries: error listing "servicediscoveries": the server could not find the requested resource
         ✓ Found 0 deployments by field selector "metadata.name=submariner-operator" in namespace "submariner-operator"
         ✓ Found 0 daemonsets by label selector "app=submariner-gateway" in namespace "submariner-operator"
         ✓ Found 0 daemonsets by label selector "app=submariner-routeagent" in namespace "submariner-operator"
         ✓ Found 0 daemonsets by label selector "app=submariner-globalnet" in namespace "submariner-operator"
         ✓ Found 0 deployments by label selector "app=submariner-networkplugin-syncer" in namespace "submariner-operator"
         ✓ Found 0 deployments by label selector "app=submariner-lighthouse-agent" in namespace "submariner-operator"
         ✓ Found 0 deployments by label selector "app=submariner-lighthouse-coredns" in namespace "submariner-operator"
        Files are stored under directory "submariner-gather_aws-nmanos-a1/aws-nmanos-a1"

        Expected results:

      Broker CRD should be present

      Additional info:

        1. aws_hub_ocp_event.log
          4.52 MB
          Noam Manos
        2. submariner-addon-pod.log
          20 kB
          Noam Manos

              rh-ee-vthapar Vishal Thapar
              nmanos@redhat.com Noam Manos
              Noam Manos Noam Manos
              ACM QE Team
              0 Vote for this issue
              5 Start watching this issue
