Resolution: Done-Errata
ACM Sprint 24, ACM Sprint 25, ACM Sprint 26, GRC Sprint 2023-21, GRC Sprint 2023-22
Description of problem:
When installing the Gatekeeper Operator and creating a `gatekeeper.operator.gatekeeper.sh` object, this results in a large number of secrets created in the `openshift-gatekeeper-system` Namespace.
This appears to be related to the number of times that the Operator attempts to reconcile before the Gatekeeper Deployment replica-count matches the desired.
From the logs we can see that the `system-admin` ServiceAccount is reconciled 11 times and there are the same number of ServiceAccount tokens.
It appears that one every retry, it's triggering the ControllerManager to re-generate the credentials.
When the internet speed is slow for pulling the Gatekeeper images, this can result in very-large amounts of Secrets being generated.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
GitVersion:"v0.2.4", GitCommit:"b18e07909b0ea04808f4c00327744c013cacb816", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2022-10-24T16:17:17Z", GoVersion:"go1.18.4", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
- There is a bash script that is in the comments for this Jira ticket that shows how to reproduce this issue. If run, it should result in the issue described.
Actual results:
There are many Secrets (3x the reconcile loop due to ServiceAccount tokens and Dockercfg) created.
Expected results:
The `gatekeeper-admin` ServiceAccount should only have 3 secrets generated for tokens and dockercfg
Additional info:
Please run the script and reach out if there is any difficulty reproducing the issue.
⇒ oc log -c manager deploy/gatekeeper-operator-controller | grep "openshift-gatekeeper-system/gatekeeper-admin"
2022-11-11T06:23:34.564Z INFO controllers.Gatekeeper Updated Gatekeeper resource {"Gatekeeper resource": "openshift-gatekeeper-system/gatekeeper-admin"}
2022-11-11T06:23:40.255Z INFO controllers.Gatekeeper Updated Gatekeeper resource {"Gatekeeper resource": "openshift-gatekeeper-system/gatekeeper-admin"}
2022-11-11T06:23:40.754Z INFO controllers.Gatekeeper Updated Gatekeeper resource {"Gatekeeper resource": "openshift-gatekeeper-system/gatekeeper-admin"}
2022-11-11T06:23:41.230Z INFO controllers.Gatekeeper Updated Gatekeeper resource {"Gatekeeper resource": "openshift-gatekeeper-system/gatekeeper-admin"}
2022-11-11T06:23:41.687Z INFO controllers.Gatekeeper Updated Gatekeeper resource {"Gatekeeper resource": "openshift-gatekeeper-system/gatekeeper-admin"}
2022-11-11T06:23:42.137Z INFO controllers.Gatekeeper Updated Gatekeeper resource {"Gatekeeper resource": "openshift-gatekeeper-system/gatekeeper-admin"}
2022-11-11T06:23:42.658Z INFO controllers.Gatekeeper Updated Gatekeeper resource {"Gatekeeper resource": "openshift-gatekeeper-system/gatekeeper-admin"}
2022-11-11T06:23:43.295Z INFO controllers.Gatekeeper Updated Gatekeeper resource {"Gatekeeper resource": "openshift-gatekeeper-system/gatekeeper-admin"}
2022-11-11T06:23:44.087Z INFO controllers.Gatekeeper Updated Gatekeeper resource {"Gatekeeper resource": "openshift-gatekeeper-system/gatekeeper-admin"}
2022-11-11T06:23:45.206Z INFO controllers.Gatekeeper Updated Gatekeeper resource {"Gatekeeper resource": "openshift-gatekeeper-system/gatekeeper-admin"}
2022-11-11T06:23:47.025Z INFO controllers.Gatekeeper Updated Gatekeeper resource {"Gatekeeper resource": "openshift-gatekeeper-system/gatekeeper-admin"}
⇒ oc get secrets -n openshift-gatekeeper-system | grep gatekeeper-admin-dockercfg
gatekeeper-admin-dockercfg-24qm6 kubernetes.io/dockercfg 1 16m
gatekeeper-admin-dockercfg-2hrmq kubernetes.io/dockercfg 1 16m
gatekeeper-admin-dockercfg-798zk kubernetes.io/dockercfg 1 16m
gatekeeper-admin-dockercfg-8k7s5 kubernetes.io/dockercfg 1 16m
gatekeeper-admin-dockercfg-bn8jm kubernetes.io/dockercfg 1 16m
gatekeeper-admin-dockercfg-df4xf kubernetes.io/dockercfg 1 16m
gatekeeper-admin-dockercfg-fxj4s kubernetes.io/dockercfg 1 16m
gatekeeper-admin-dockercfg-hrjvf kubernetes.io/dockercfg 1 16m
gatekeeper-admin-dockercfg-jj8jr kubernetes.io/dockercfg 1 16m
gatekeeper-admin-dockercfg-lw7x2 kubernetes.io/dockercfg 1 16m
gatekeeper-admin-dockercfg-nrdl9 kubernetes.io/dockercfg 1 16m
- links to
RHBA-2024:126207 Gatekeeper v3.11.2
- mentioned on