Uploaded image for project: 'Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management'
  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-19059

Add siteconfig fails to start with ACM 2.13 RC6 to known issues

    • False
    • None
    • False
    • None

      Note: Doc team updates the current version of the documentation and the
      two previous versions (n-2), but we address *only high-priority, or
      customer-reported issues* for -2 releases in support.
      Describe the changes in the doc and link to your dev story:

      1. - [x] Mandatory: Add the required version to the Fix version/s field.

      2. - [ ] Mandatory: Choose the type of documentation change or review.

      • [ ] We need to update to an existing topic
      • [ ] We need to add a new document to an existing section
      • [ ] We need a whole new section; this is a function not
        documented before and doesn't belong in any current section
      • [ ] We need an Operator Advisory review and approval
      • [ ] We need a z-Stream (Errata) Advisory and Release note for
        MCE and/or ACM

      3. - [ ] Mandatory: Find the link to where the documentation update
      should go and add it to the recommended changes. You can either use the
      published doc or the staged repo for this step:

      Note: As the feature and doc is understood, this recommendation may
      change. If this is new documentation, link to the section where you think
      it should be placed.

      Customer Portal published version


      Doc staged repo within the ACM Workspace:

      4. - [ ] Mandatory for GA content:

      • [ ] Add steps, the diff, known issue, and/or other important
        conceptual information in the following space:
      • [ ] *Add Required access level *(example, *Cluster
        Administrator*) for the user to complete the task:
      • [ ] Add verification at the end of the task, how does the user
        verify success (a command to run or a result to see?)
      • [ ] Add link to dev story here:

      5. - [ ] Mandatory for bugs: What is the diff? Clearly define what the
      problem is, what the change is, and link to the current documentation. Only
      use this for a documentation bug.


      Known Issue: --http2-disable Flag in kube-rbac-proxy

      The SiteConfig Operator references the --http2-disable parameter in the upstream kube-rbac-proxy image within its deployment manifest. However, the downstream ACM kube-rbac-proxy image does not support this parameter. As a result, enabling the SiteConfig Operator in ACM 2.13.0 causes the following error:
      $ oc logs siteconfig-controller-manager-5874db7bb8-vhqmj kube-rbac-proxy
      unknown flag: --http2-disable
      Usage of /usr/local/bin/kube-rbac-proxy:
      unknown flag: --http2-disable
      This issue will be addressed in ACM 2.13.1. Until then, users can apply the following workaround:

      • Pause the MultiClusterHub CR - Refer to the documentation for instructions.
      • Manually update the deployment manifest - Remove the --http2-disable parameter from the kube-rbac-proxy container:
        oc edit deploy siteconfig-controller-manager -n rhacm 
      • After applying this change, restart the affected pods to ensure the update takes effect.

              bswope@redhat.com Brandi Swope
              sakhoury@redhat.com Sharat Akhoury
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
