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  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-1851

aws platform detection incorrectly based on the presence of hypershift-operator-oidc-provider-s3-credentials secret


    • Important

      Description of problem:

      In the detection of the aws platform is based on the presence of the {{hypershift-operator-oidc-provider-s3-credentials secret.}}


      This is incorrect because the oidc s3 credentials are optional for hypershift even when used on the aws platform is used. In such a scenario, things work as follows:

      • a provisioner creates the oidc documents for a new cluster upfront
      • when creating a new HostedCluster, the provisioner communicates the location of the oidc documents to hypershift via the issuerURL field in the HostedCluster resource
      • as the oidc documents are created by the provisioner, hypershift does not need to create them (and thus does not need the credentials)

      As a result, when the oidc provider credentials are not provided then other valid aws configuration (specifically PrivateLink credentials

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      How reproducible:

      Steps to Reproduce:

      3. ...

      Actual results:

      Expected results:

      Additional info:

            rh-ee-ofarag Omar Farag (Inactive)
            rokejungrh Roke Jung
            David Huynh David Huynh
            0 Vote for this issue
            5 Start watching this issue
