Resolution: Unresolved
Workload Mgmt Train 24 - 1
In this phase, we will build up a POC env to demo a e2e complete use case
- user to create a ArgoCD app set on the hub
- the ArgoCD native appset controller do the propagation for creating the ArgoCD app per cluster
- The new ACM ArgoCD pull model propagation controller is reconciled to deliver the app template to each cluster via Maestro api server
- The new ACM ArgoCD pull model status update controller is reconciled to collect the app status per cluster Maestro api server as well and then update it to the ArgoCD app status.
Here are the work list
- refactor the propagation controller.
Instead of creating manifestwork resource bundling the ArgoCD app template per cluster, the new propgation controller will build a GRPC client for deploying the ArgoCD app template per cluster to the Maestro api server.
- refactor the status collection controller
Instead of collecting the app status per cluster from the search collection agent, the new status collection controller will get the app status per cluster from the maestro api server as well