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  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-17297

[Submariner0.19]The connection status of the submariner is degraded for Provider RDR setup


    • Submariner Sprint 2025-34
    • None

      Description of problem:

      The connection status of the submariner is degraded for Provider RDR setup. While installing Submarinar 'Globalnet' checkbox was tick marked.

      The setup details:
      We have used 2 Provider clusters: ibm-baremetal1 and ibm-baremetal3
      with 2 hcp clusters on each---
      ibm-baremetal1-hcp418-bm1-a and ibm-baremetal1-hcp418-bm1-b hcp clusters on ibm-baremetal1

      ibm-baremetal3-hcp418-bm3-a and ibm-baremetal3-hcp418-bm3-b hcp clusters on ibm-baremetal3

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

      OCP: 4.18.0-ec.3
      OCS: 4.18.0-83

      How reproducible:

      It is reproducible

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Create 2 Provider clusters with 2 hcp clusters on each
      2. Create a ACM hub
      3. Import the provider and hosted clusters to ACM hub
      4. Install Submarinar add-on for all the clusters with globalnet ticked

      Actual results:

      The connection status of the submariner is degraded for Provider RDR setup

      Expected results:

      The connection status of the submariner should be healthy.

      Additional info:

      We have received some suggestions to try on have tried:
      Approach 1:
      1) The hosting cluster (e.g baremetal1/3) is already setup with required MetalLB, IPAddressPool, update to ingress controller (at least on bm-1 which I investigated), as per the steps outlined here: *  https://ibmdocs-test.dcs.ibm.com/docs/en/sfhs/2.9.x?topic=plane-prerequisites-hosted-control-clusters

      • (additional ref in case)

      2) Address similar gaps in the hosted clusters, i.e creation of required MetalLB, IPAddressPool, ... to complete the setup, see * https://ibmdocs-test.dcs.ibm.com/docs/en/sfhs/2.9.x?topic=clusters-deploying-bare-metal-fusion-data-foundation (step 11)

      • (additional ref in case)
      • NOTE: we would need 2 metallb IPs here, one for ingress and one for the submariner LB in step (3)

      3) Additionally we need to shift the submariner gateway to a LoadBalancer service, this can be done via the CLI using this reference4) Test submariner connectivity between and it does not work between hosted clusters on different hosting clusters.

      • bm1-a to bm3-a


      But could not succeed, connection is not established.
      RH slack thread - https://redhat-internal.slack.com/archives/C0134E73VH6/p1733237680559359?thread_ts=1732190525.902269&cid=C0134E73VH6

      IBM slack thread - +https://ibm-systems-storage.slack.com/archives/C07QV45B6N4/p1733324013916009+


              asuryana Aswin Suryanarayanan
              ammahapa@redhat.com Amrita Mahapatra
              Prachi Yadav Prachi Yadav
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