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  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-15276

[Doc] ACM document should mention how to specify role and hostname using BMH resource


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      We should state that we can specify the role ("master" or "worker") of the BareMetalHost resource by setting bmac.agent-install.openshift.io/role annotation.
      And we can specify the hostname using bmac.agent-install.openshift.io/hostname annotation.
      Ref : https://github.com/openshift/assisted-service/blob/master/internal/controller/controllers/bmh_agent_controller.go#L79

      However, current ACM document doesn't mention these annotations.
      So, users cannot know how to specify hostname and role (master or worker) when using BMH resources.
      This is a problem especially when we replace a master node.

      I think our document should mention some optional annotations, bmac.agent-install.openshift.io/role and bmac.agent-install.openshift.io/hostname, in the document like the following example BMH resource definition :


      apiVersion: metal3.io/v1alpha1
      kind: BareMetalHost
        name: <bmh-name>
        namespace: <your_infraenv_namespace>
          inspect.metal3.io: disabled
          bmac.agent-install.openshift.io/hostname: <hostname>
          bmac.agent-install.openshift.io/role: <master-or-worker>
          infraenvs.agent-install.openshift.io: <your-infraenv>
        online: true
        automatedCleaningMode: disabled
        bootMACAddress: <your-mac-address>
          address: <machine-address>
          credentialsName: <bmc-secret-name>
          deviceName: /dev/sda 
      - bmac.agent-install.openshift.io/hostname: (Optional) specify the hostname of this node
      - bmac.agent-install.openshift.io/role: (Optional) specify the role of this node

      And, the following document describes how to specify the role of an agent resource.
      This method works well when we use Discovery ISO method instead of the BareMetalHost method.
      However, in some scenario, we need to use the BareMetalHost method instead of using a Discovery ISO and need to specify its role, due to https://issues.redhat.com/browse/ACM-15278.
      I think the following document should mention how to specify the role on the a BareMetalHost resource scenario, not only the Discovery ISO scenario.


              rh-ee-ofischer Oliver Fischer
              rhn-support-yatanaka Yamato Tanaka
              Vladislav Kolodny Vladislav Kolodny
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
