Uploaded image for project: 'Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management'
  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-15163

Failure in periodic-ci-stolostron-acmqe-autotest-main-acm-ocp4.15-lp-interop-acm-interop-aws - 10-25-2024


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • None

      Prow Job Link: periodic-ci-stolostron-acmqe-autotest-main-acm-ocp4.15-lp-interop-acm-interop-aws #1849692879677558784
      Build ID: 1849692879677558784
      Classification: CLC testcase failure
      Failed Step: acm-tests-clc-create

      Job History: periodic-ci-stolostron-acmqe-autotest-main-acm-ocp4.15-lp-interop-acm-interop-aws

      Here are up to 10 related bugs produced by the step acm-tests-clc-create and failed with failure type test_failure:

      Bug Date Created Assignee
      ACM-12316 2024-06-24 David Huynh
      ACM-11472 2024-05-06 David Huynh
      ACM-9932 2024-02-15 David Huynh
      ACM-8486 2023-11-06 David Huynh
      ACM-7000 2023-08-21 David Huynh

      This bug was filed using firewatch in OpenShift CI

        1. build-log.txt
          0.1 kB
          firewatch tool
        2. finished.json
          0.1 kB
          firewatch tool
        3. junit_cypress-55ee74e2c8899dbcf1321084f187f0f1_1.xml
          0.6 kB
          firewatch tool
        4. junit_cypress-55ee74e2c8899dbcf1321084f187f0f1.xml
          0.6 kB
          firewatch tool
        5. junit_cypress-8a8d7a6514e4fcae9ca50a9dcd094ec8_1.xml
          0.1 kB
          firewatch tool
        6. junit_cypress-8a8d7a6514e4fcae9ca50a9dcd094ec8_2.xml
          0.1 kB
          firewatch tool
        7. junit_cypress-8a8d7a6514e4fcae9ca50a9dcd094ec8.xml
          0.1 kB
          firewatch tool
        8. junit_cypress-d924cd74f361ed2e62c0f5e04d13f99e_1.xml
          0.1 kB
          firewatch tool
        9. junit_cypress-d924cd74f361ed2e62c0f5e04d13f99e_2.xml
          0.1 kB
          firewatch tool
        10. junit_cypress-d924cd74f361ed2e62c0f5e04d13f99e.xml
          0.1 kB
          firewatch tool
        11. junit_cypress-de0b25733e000a6fc85e3cbc30ac9578_1.xml
          0.1 kB
          firewatch tool
        12. junit_cypress-de0b25733e000a6fc85e3cbc30ac9578_2.xml
          0.1 kB
          firewatch tool
        13. junit_cypress-de0b25733e000a6fc85e3cbc30ac9578.xml
          0.1 kB
          firewatch tool
        14. junit_cypress-f85e5f663de8d211fe7caff00257f3bb_1.xml
          5 kB
          firewatch tool
        15. junit_cypress-f85e5f663de8d211fe7caff00257f3bb_2.xml
          5 kB
          firewatch tool
        16. junit_cypress-f85e5f663de8d211fe7caff00257f3bb.xml
          5 kB
          firewatch tool

              rhn-support-vboulos Vincent Boulos
              firewatch-tool firewatch tool
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
