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  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-15099

Install the global hub in a brownfield


    • GH Train-23
    • Moderate
    • None

      Value Statement

      Save cost - we can install the global hub in the existing ACM hub cluster and do not need to create a new OpenShift cluster for global hub anymore

      Definition of Done for Engineering Story Owner (Checklist)

      • introduce InstallAgentOnLocal field in Global hub CR to control whether we need to deploy global hub agent into the global hub cluster or not. InstallAgentOnLocal=false by default
      • if InstallAgentOnLocal=true, the global hub agent will be deployed in the global hub cluster
      • from the global hub dashboard, we can see the local-cluster as a hub cluster which can host some managed clusters.
      • Won't impact on the existing features for the regular ACM hub

      Design doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1l24BpgmwieI1KUXEiznRRPGLePZHwm-3cc5zRzbD4kY/edit?tab=t.0#heading=h.blq4rywblwlk


      Development Complete

      • The code is complete.
      • Functionality is working.
      • Any required downstream Docker file changes are made.

      Tests Automated

      • [x] Unit/function tests have been automated and incorporated into the
      • [x] 100% automated unit/function test coverage for new or changed APIs.

      Secure Design

      • [n/a] Security has been assessed and incorporated into your threat model.

      Multidisciplinary Teams Readiness

      Support Readiness

      • [n/a] The must-gather script has been updated.

              clyang82 Chunlin Yang
              clyang82 Chunlin Yang
              Hui Chen Hui Chen
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
