Resolution: Done
ACM 2.13.0
This Doc issue is to remove any reference to the classic overview page, the fleet view toggle, and the deprecation notice for the classic overview layout.
The Overview will look as the screen capture attached highlights. There is no toggle anymore and all deprecation warnings have been removed.
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- [x] We need to update to an existing topic
- [ ] We need to add a new document to an existing section
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In 2.12 we deprecated the "classic" overview page. Now in 2.13 we are officially removing the classic layout from the ACM product. This makes the Fleet view layout the only overview page now. there will no longer be a switch/toggle for classic & fleet view.
- [ ] *Add Required access level for the user to complete the task: any user
- [ ] Add verification at the end of the task, how does the user
verify success.
They should be able to navigate to the overview page and only see the fleet view layout.
- [ ] Add link to dev story here: