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  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-14686

Troubleshooting end to end test failures


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • None

      Note: Doc team updates the current version of the documentation and the
      two previous versions (n-2), but we address *only high-priority, or
      customer-reported issues* for -2 releases in support.
      Describe the changes in the doc and link to your dev story:

      1. - [x ] Mandatory: Add the required version to the Fix version/s field.

      2. - [ ] Mandatory: Choose the type of documentation change or review.

      • [x ] We need to update to an existing topic
      • [ ] We need to add a new document to an existing section
      • [ ] We need a whole new section; this is a function not
        documented before and doesn't belong in any current section
      • [ ] We need an Operator Advisory review and approval
      • [ ] We need a z-Stream (Errata) Advisory and Release note
        for MCE and/or ACM

      3. - [ x] *Mandatory: *Use the following link to open the doc and find where the
      documentation update should go. Note: As the feature and doc is
      understood and developed, this placement decision may change:

      4. - [x ] Mandatory for GA content:

      • [ ] Add steps, the diff, known issue, and/or other important
        conceptual information in the following space:

      Add a new section for end to end test failures in Troubleshooting section.

      If the Submariner test shows successful connection and the pods is stuck in the listen stage try this command

      subctl verify --verbose --only connectivity --context <from_context> --tocontext <to_context> --image-override submariner-nettest=quay.io/submariner/nettest:devel --packet-size 200

      If the test succeeds with a lower MTU and you can set a lower MTU with following steps

      • Flush chain SUBMARINER-POSTROUTING in mangle table by running : iptables -t mangle -F SUBMARINER-POSTROUTING in all RouteAgent pods
      • Set desired MSS value (lets try 1200) by annotating the GW node : oc annotate node <node_name> submariner.io/tcp-clamp-mss=1200
      • restart all RouteAgent pods oc delete pod -n submariner-operator -l app=submariner-routeagent

      If only some tests fails tunnel is healthy and if VXLAN tunnel is used between clusters, try by disabling hardware offloading by applying this yaml

      apiVersion: apps/v1
      kind: DaemonSet
        name: disable-offload
        namespace: submariner-operator
            app: disable-offload
              app: disable-offload
            - operator: Exists  
              - name: disable-offload
                image: nicolaka/netshoot
                imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
                  allowPrivilegeEscalation: true
                    - net_admin
                    - all
                  privileged: true
                  readOnlyRootFilesystem: false
                  runAsNonRoot: false
                command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"]
                  - ethtool --offload vxlan-tunnel rx off tx off;
                    sleep infinity
            restartPolicy: Always
            securityContext: {}
            serviceAccount: submariner-routeagent
            serviceAccountName: submariner-routeagent
            hostNetwork: true

      by running

      oc apply -f disable-offload-vxlan-tunnel.yaml
      • [ ] *Add Required access level *(example, *Cluster
        Administrator*) for the user to complete the task:
      • [ ] Add verification at the end of the task, how does the user
        verify success (a command to run or a result to see?)
      • [ ] Add link to dev story here:

      5. - [ ] Mandatory for bugs: What is the diff? Clearly define what the
      problem is, what the change is, and link to the current documentation. Only
      use this for a documentation bug.

              jberger@redhat.com Jacob Berger
              asuryana Aswin Suryanarayanan
              Prachi Yadav Prachi Yadav
              0 Vote for this issue
              6 Start watching this issue
