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  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-14069

ACS integration with Multicluster Global Hub operator DP


    • ACS integration with Multicluster Global Hub operator
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Not Selected
    • To Do
    • ACM-13694 - ACS integration with Multicluster Global Hub operator DP
    • 0% To Do, 33% In Progress, 67% Done

      Epic Goal

      Provide metric aggregation and dashboards that report on multiple ACS deployments in a similar manner to Global Hub ACM hub aggregation.

      Why is this important?

      See linked feature ACM-13694


      Working Agreement to add External Components | ACM Program 


      This will be entered into an Epic in Jira (replaces Done Criteria) 

      (Epic Component - External) 


      What is this document?

      This document aims to serve the ACM Program, part of the Hybrid Cloud Management organization, as external components are added to the ACM release scope/purview. Additionally this document  provides insight to how the ACM Program operates.

      This document sets expectations to assist with external components that wish to onboard with ACM.

      This document also serves as a source of information for reference purposes -  including links to important documents, presentations,  calendars, and other information.


      Working Agreement


      Program Name

      Team Mission 🏆

      Scope of Responsibility

      RHACM (Red Hat  Advanced Cluster Manager, part of the Hybrid Cloud Management organization) Why does this team exist?
       How do we bring value to Red Hat Key Initiatives?
      GlobalHub installer and Global hub infrastructure
      Eco-Systems Providing aggregated ACS Central metrics and dashboards GH Agent for ACS
      Dashboards for ACS usecases

      Key Stakeholders/Contacts

      Program Manager

      ACM: * Robyn Haignere

      Component * Global Hub - ACS Integration

      Architecture forum DDR presentation <date> * DDR - ACM Design Decision Document - ACS Security Violations Dashboard - Google Docs

      Engineering Sponsor

      New Component Engineering lead:jhernand-rh 

      OWNER: Eco-Systems, ACS Integration for Global Hub

      Release Manager 


      New Component:GH ACS integration

      Product Management  Lead

      ACM: * bweidenb@redhat.com 

      New Component: * oourfali 

      OWNER: Ecosystems

      ACM QE Lead 

      NOT required for DEVPREVIEW

      ACM: * rh-ee-ecai 

      New Component: * Plz assign oourfali 

      OWNER: ACM / Component

      ACM Product Experience Scott Suehle

      NOT required for DEVPREVIEW
      ACM: * Brandi Swope Christopher Dawson

      New Component: * ???

      OWNER: Ecosystems

      ACM Team Resources - Important Docs and Links

      (REQUIRED) Architecture Forum: Weekly Architecture Forum Agenda
      (REQUIRED) Design Decision Review document

      Calendar: ACM Calendar - A place to share common ACM events.
      Release Calendar: ACM Release Calendar -  Details Y and z stream milestone dates and Train durations. 
      Z-stream Schedule: ACM - Z Stream Release Schedule
      Release Scrum Meeting:  ACM 2.12 Release SCRUM Weekly meeting held on Mondays at 9AM (US-ET). Purpose of meeting is to discuss current Y stream release in-depth and raise blockers/issues. Ran by Release Manager. 
      Program Call Meeting: Program Call Doc - Purpose: Discuss program level updates, process updates, risks and blockers that need cross-program collaboration. Ran by Program Manager. Cadence varies. Bi-weekly after a Y stream release until 5 weeks prior to the Y stream release and cadence will be weekly.
      Product Pages: Detailed status, schedule, people list. Updated weekly. 
      Program Google Group: Subscribe Here
      Playbook: Advanced Cluster Management Playbook Details process, etc - how we work |

      Team Norms 

      Communications and How we Work

      Slack * Forum-acm * acm-release Jira * ACM Jira Project Team Integration * ACM Squads * ACM Multidisciplinary Teams (April 2024)
      Detailed information can be found in Advanced Cluster Management Playbook
      The RHACM Team operates in 4 week Trains  (1st 2 weeks are Dev Trains and the 2nd 2 weeks are Stability Trains). Train dates are detailed in  the ACM Release Calendar and Schedule.
      External components that on-board with RHACM will follow release milestones, cut off dates and GAs  outlined in the  linked documents and calendars.
      Questions and concerns can be raised at the Program Call - or, if urgent, contact RHACM Program Manager or Release Manager

      Check-list to complete. (If not already complete, a Jira story or task should be created per item)

      As a DEVPREVIEW, almost none of this applies

      • ✅Architecture Forum & Design Decision Review document approved
      • ⚠️Onboarding source code into Stolostron/repo
      • ⚠️Build - Konflux
      • ⚠️Build - CPaaS?
      • ⚠️Installer - Feature flag enabled/disabled
      • Meet ACM security code and image scanning
      • Playbook
      • ❓Disconnected from Internet (installs / works in this mode)


      • ❓FIPS readiness
      • ❓Infra Node support (install-to)
      • ❓Proxy support (OpenShift Global Proxy)


      • ❓QE
      • ❓Hub Backup / Restore compliance
      • ❓Hub Scale / Performance
      • ❓Global hub eventing


      • ❓Documentation
      • ❓Threat Model
      • ❓Support Skills transfer
      • ❓Must-gather

            jbanerje@redhat.com Joydeep Banerjee
            jpacker@redhat.com Joshua Packer
            Hui Chen Hui Chen
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
