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  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-1290

[RFE] Be able to rename local-cluster


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • 36% To Do, 27% In Progress, 36% Done
    • SF Ready/Refined Backlog

      Epic Goal

      • Rename `local-cluster` in RHACM.
      • Please see discussion from https://app.slack.com/client/E030G10V24F/GUKHEFQC9 for background
      • Please note this is a parent issue and covers many aspects of this work; review the child epics for status of each component. This Feature will remain open until it's delivered across all components.

      Why is this important?

      • Customers have found it confusing to see the `local-cluster` as a hardcoded object in their ACM clusters list. 
        • They have not complained about the fact that it is there, but rather just the name of it.
      • In particular, as the architecture of RHACM evolves to include a global Hub of Hubs, the management of sub-hubs ("leaf hubs") will get problematic if we start to see numerous managed sub-hubs all with the same name `local-cluster` being imported to the global hub.


      1. Customer installs RHACM
      2. Customer sees local-cluster in the all clusters list
      3. Customer can rename local-cluster as needed

      Alternate scenario

      1. Customer installs RHACM
      2. customer sees the management hub in the all clusters list with a unique cluster ID, not a user-configurable name
      3. Customer cannot rename local-cluster as needed; instead they could use a label to indicate some colloquial nickname 

      Acceptance Criteria

      • CI - MUST be running successfully with tests automated
      • Release Technical Enablement - Provide necessary release enablement details and documents.
      • ...

      Dependencies (internal and external)

      1. Too many to accurately list at this point, but we need to consider every component, every part of RHACM.

      Previous Work (Optional):

      Open questions:

      1. Should the local-cluster object be a standardized unique cluster ID? or should it be user configurable?

      Done Checklist

      • CI - CI is running, tests are automated and merged.
      • Release Enablement <link to Feature Enablement Presentation>
      • DEV - Upstream code and tests merged: <link to meaningful PR or GitHub Issue>
      • DEV - Upstream documentation merged: <link to meaningful PR or GitHub Issue>
      • DEV - Downstream build attached to advisory: <link to errata>
      • QE - Test plans in Polarion: <link or reference to Polarion>
      • QE - Automated tests merged: <link or reference to automated tests>
      • DOC - Downstream documentation merged: <link to meaningful PR> 

      Slack Channel


              asimonel August Simonelli
              rhn-support-mheppler Michal Heppler
              Jian Qiu, Yuanyuan He
              Qiu Jian Qiu Jian (Inactive)
              Bradd Weidenbenner Bradd Weidenbenner
              5 Vote for this issue
              30 Start watching this issue
