Resolution: Done
ACM 2.10.Z
Note: Doc team updates the current version of the documentation and the
two previous versions (n-2), but we address *only high-priority, or
customer-reported issues* for -2 releases in support.
Describe the changes in the doc and link to your dev story:
1. - [x ] Mandatory: Add the required version to the Fix version/s field.
2. - [ x] Mandatory: Choose the type of documentation change or review.
- [x ] We need to update to an existing topic
- [ ] We need to add a new document to an existing section
- [ ] We need a whole new section; this is a function not
documented before and doesn't belong in any current section
- [ ] We need an Operator Advisory review and approval
- [ ] We need a z-Stream (Errata) Advisory and Release note
for MCE and/or ACM
3. - [ x] *Mandatory: *Use the following link to open the doc and find where the
documentation update should go. Note: As the feature and doc is
understood and developed, this placement decision may change:
- Published doc: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_advanced_cluster_management_for_kubernetes/2.10
- Source: https://github.com/stolostron/rhacm-docs
4. - [ ] Mandatory for GA content:
- [ ] Add steps, the diff, known issue, and/or other important
conceptual information in the following space:
- [ ] *Add Required access level *(example, *Cluster
Administrator*) for the user to complete the task:
- [ ] Add verification at the end of the task, how does the user
verify success (a command to run or a result to see?)
- [ ] Add link to dev story here:
5. - [ x] Mandatory for bugs: What is the diff? Clearly define what the
problem is, what the change is, and link to the current documentation. Only
use this for a documentation bug.
we explain if the managed cluster gets stuck to set
However the overall context of this setting is missing as well as the impact of it and if this changes FW port needs. This information should be added to the referred section.
Please refer to https://groups.google.com/a/redhat.com/g/acm-tech/c/iWI-4wDohkM/m/EfJO_2CSAgAJ for more details:
The "converged flow" is how we reference what is now the default process of provisioning. When a host is booted into the live ISO by BMO (using a BareMetalHost) first the ironic agent runs which performs all the steps is usually does when using the baremetal IPI process. It then starts the assisted installer agent which handles the rest of the install and provisioning process. Disabling the converged flow means that only the assisted installer agent will run in the live ISO. This will reduce the number of open ports but it will also disable any features currently enabled by using the ironic agent (things like preprovisioning disk cleaning, iPXE boot, and BIOS configuration among others).
As you can see by the doc disabling the converged flow is done using an annotation called "unsupported.agent-install.openshift.io/assisted-service-configmap" so while we do provide this as a workaround in some scenarios it's not reccommended for typical production use.