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  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-1260

RFE add option to invoke Ansible workflows from ACM automation


    • RFE add option to invoke Ansible workflows from ACM automation
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Hide
      What lifecycle area in particular are you looking for the Ansible Workflows? Cluster/Application/Policy (or all). All
      Which of those are you specifically experiencing the issue with today? Upgrade / Creation
      If implemented would you be able to assist with testing that this feature works in your environment? Yes

      What lifecycle area in particular are you looking for the Ansible Workflows? Cluster/Application/Policy (or all). All Which of those are you specifically experiencing the issue with today? Upgrade / Creation If implemented would you be able to assist with testing that this feature works in your environment? Yes
    • To Do
    • ACM-614 - Ansible Integration for RHACM events and life cycles
    • 0% To Do, 0% In Progress, 100% Done

      Customer would like the ability to invoke Ansible workflows from ACM automation. Currently it fetches only job templates

      In the following link you can see how it is configured in Ansible:

      So we could treat Templates as either Job templates or workflow-templates

      Basically we want to support two scenarios:

      So basically we will support the two scenarios
      If users want to invoke a playbook in the Ansible tower, they need to fill in the job_template_name in the


      AnsibleJobs CR.
      apiVersion: tower.ansible.com/v1alpha1
      kind: AnsibleJob
      name: prehook-test
      namespace: default
      job_template_name: Demo Job Template
      tower_auth_secret: toweraccess


      If users want to invoke a workflow in the Ansible tower, they need to fill in the workflow_template_name in the

      AnsibleJobs CR.


      apiVersion: tower.ansible.com/v1alpha1
      kind: AnsibleJob
      name: prehook-test
      namespace: default
      workflow_template_name: Demo Workflow Template
      tower_auth_secret: toweraccess




              rhn-support-cstark Christian Stark
              rhn-support-rspagnol Ryan Spagnola
              Napoco Agbetra Napoco Agbetra (Inactive)
              Christian Stark Christian Stark
              2 Vote for this issue
              14 Start watching this issue
