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  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-12483

Improve Observability storage certificate docs


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      Current documentation located at https://docs.redhat.com/en/documentation/red_hat_advanced_cluster_management_for_kubernetes/2.10/html-single/observability/index#customizing-certificates-object-store  is confusing.

      Consider reordering them such that the user would perform the following:

      1. Create the secret with the ca.crt certificate, and optional cert/key for mutual TLS.
      2. Update the MultiClusterObservability CR to set tlsSecretName with a value of the name of the secret created in step 1.  Set tlsSecretMountPath to the path where the certs should be mounted in the observability components.
      3. Update thanos.yaml config definition in the thanos-object-storage secret created elsewhere in the docs to add the http_config.


      Things that are confusing about the current text:

      • Step 1 and 2 both show configuring the thanos.yaml.  Only step 2 discusses creating a secret for the certificate.  Having two steps is confusing, please consider show one and including the number highlights that can then explain each value being applied.  Similar to how step 2 currently has a blue 1.
      • There isn't a clear step/definition of the secret that needs to be created.
      • Step 3 and 4 both show updating the MultiClusterObservability.  However the text for step 4 does not make any sense, and the additional configuration attempted to be documented does not appear to be valid.  The same docs in 2.8 have this extra data as informative text not as a configuration that should be applied.

            mdockery@redhat.com Mikela Jackson
            rhn-support-bjarvis Brian Jarvis
            Christopher Dawson Christopher Dawson
            Xiang Yin Xiang Yin
            Brandi Swope Brandi Swope
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
