Resolution: Duplicate
ACM 2.9.3
Description of problem:
As part of the Image based upgrades, when creating the seed image, the seed cluster that is deployed and managed by ACM/ZTP/Gitops needs to be disassociated from the hub. This is accomplished by removing the siteConfig CR of the managedcluster from the kustomization yaml.
It is observed that the open-cluster-observability-addon namespace and associated deployment, stateful set and pods continues to exist.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
ACM 2.9.3
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
- Delete siteconfig from kustomization.yaml
- once the mangedcluster CR and the managedcluster namespace are deleted access the managedcluster
- oc get ns open-cluster-observability-addon
Actual results:
open-cluster-management-observability-addon and associated objects continue to exist
Expected results:
ACM clean up all the artifacts is puts on the managedcluster
Additional info:
- duplicates
ACM-12025 open-cluster-management-addon-observability is left behind after unmanaging a cluster in ZTP
- Closed
- is depended on by
OCPBUGS-42945 BareMetalHost CR fails to delete on cluster cleanup
- Closed