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  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-11991

Observability - kube-state-metrics pod is in CreateContainerConfigError on AKS


    • 1
    • False
    • None
    • False
    • MCO Sprint 24
    • Important
    • No

      Description of problem: The kube-state-metrics pod is not running as expected on the AKS cluster, it's CreateContainerConfigError, the log error:

      Error: container has runAsNonRoot and image has non-numeric user (nobody), cannot verify user is non-root (pod: "kube-state-metrics-784db8d9d7-hq54j_open-cluster-management-addon-observability(5135a3b9-1cf2-46d8-aecf-97d9bffdb6e9)", container: kube-state-metrics)

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable): 2.11.0-DOWNSTREAM-2024-06-03-20-28-43

      How reproducible:

      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Deloy ACM 2.11 2.11.0-DOWNSTREAM-2024-06-03-20-28-43
      2. import AKS cluster
      3. enable the Observability
      4. the kube-state-metrics pod is in CreateContainerConfigError on the AKS cluster
      5. some metrics widget without AKS cluster data, like Top 50 CPU Overestimation Clusters and Top 50 CPU Utilized Clusters

      Actual results:

      Expected results:

      Additional info:

            rh-ee-tmange Thibault Mange
            cquredhat ChangLiang Qu
            Xiang Yin Xiang Yin
            ACM QE Team
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue
