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  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-11730

Add a note in the metallb section


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • No

      Create an informative issue (See each section, incomplete templates/issues won't be triaged)

      Using the current documentation as a model, please complete the issue template. 

      Note: Doc team updates the current version and the two previous versions (n-2). For earlier versions, we will address only high-priority, customer-reported issues for releases in support.

      Prerequisite: Start with what we have

      Always look at the current documentation to describe the change that is needed. Use the source or portal link for Step 4:

       - Use the Customer Portal: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_advanced_cluster_management_for_kubernetes

       - Use the GitHub link to find the staged docs in the repository: https://github.com/stolostron/rhacm-docs 

      Describe the changes in the doc and link to your dev story

      Provide info for the following steps:

      1. - [x] Mandatory Add the required version to the Fix version/s field.

      2. - [x] Mandatory Choose the type of documentation change.

            - [ ] New topic in an existing section or new section
            - [x] Update to an existing topic

      3. - [ ] Mandatory for GA content:
             - [ ] Add steps and/or other important conceptual information here: 
             - [ ] Add Required access level for the user to complete the task here:

             - [ ] Add verification at the end of the task, how does the user verify success (a command to run or a result to see?)
             - [ ] Add link to dev story here: No dev story. This is a doc bug coming from the project-hypershift channel. See [1] below.

      4. - [ ] Mandatory for bugs: What is the diff? Clearly define what the problem is, what the change is, and link to the current documentation:

      Per the slack thread, it's not clear that metallb components need to be created on the guest cluster. Currently bare metal docs do not mention this. Hence, metallb section[2] needs the following note.

      "Note: Perform the following steps on your guest cluster."

      This note is also applicable for non bare metal agent machines. [3]

      [1] https://redhat-external.slack.com/archives/C01C8502FMM/p1714748375913189
      [2] clusters/hosted_control_planes/config_metallb_bm.adoc
      [3] clusters/hosted_control_planes/ingress_non_bm.adoc

      Additional information: I opened this ticket myself only after checking on the channel.

              sdudhgao@redhat.com Servesha Dudhgaonkar
              sdudhgao@redhat.com Servesha Dudhgaonkar
              David Huynh David Huynh
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
