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  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-11023

Users should be able to configure whether certain situations with operators result in a noncompliant policy


    • GRC Sprint 2024-10, GRC Sprint 2024-11
    • No

      The design describes a `complianceConfig` field: https://github.com/open-cluster-management-io/enhancements/tree/main/enhancements/sig-policy/89-operator-policy-kind#operatorpolicy-syntax 

      For example, consider a situations where an upgrade to an operator is available, but will not be automatically approved by the controller: some users might want the policy to become NonCompliant so that they are specially alerted to the situation, but other users might only want to log the issue in a status message.

      Currently, the implementation has some sections where an initial decision has been made, basically for a "default" behavior in these cases, but those spots should be adjusted to allow for the user to configure the behavior.


      Per https://github.com/JustinKuli/ocm-enhancements/tree/operator-policy-update/enhancements/sig-policy/89-operator-policy-kind#operatorpolicy-syntax ,


      Operator conditions Allowed spec.complianceConfig value Related resources(objects) Root policy compliance
      catalogSourceUnhealthy Compliant (default) catalog source only Compliant if other resources are available
        NonCompliant All NonCompliant if catalog is unhealthy
      deploymentsUnavailable Compliant deployment of operator only Compliant if other resources are available
        NonCompliant (default) All NonCompliant if deployment of operator is not available
      upgradesAvailable Compliant (default) upgrade of operator only Compliant if other resources are available
        NonCompliant All NonCompliant if upgrade option is available
      upgradesProgressing StatusMessageOnly upgrade status only Compliant if other resources are available
        NonCompliant (supported?) All NonCompliant if upgrade is still progression. (rh-ee-jaszhang  How do I make an upgrade in progress?)

            rh-ee-jaszhang Jason Zhang
            jkulikau@redhat.com Justin Kulikauskas
            Jeffrey Luo, Yaheng Liu
            Derek Ho Derek Ho
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
