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  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-10937

Submariner fails to install on ocp-release:4.16.0-ec.4-x86_64 on Openstack


    • False
    • None
    • False
    • Important
    • Proposed
    • No

      Description of problem:

      On a regional DR environment with a RHACM hub cluster and two Openshift Virtualization managed clusters, Submariner fails to install. The hub reports:  "message": "The connection between clusters \"rdr-c2\" and \"rdr-c1\" is not established (status=connecting)"

      Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):


      How reproducible:


      Steps to Reproduce:

      1. Deploy Openshift ocp-release:4.16.0-ec.4-x86_64 via PSI on Openstack 
      2. Deploy two Openshift Virtualization Clusters with 4.16.0-ec.4-x86_64 
      3. Import the two Openshift Virtualization clusters into the RHACM hub

      Install submariner.v0.17.0 via the RHACM hub >>>>> The installation reports errors:
      "message": "The connection between clusters \"rdr-c2\" and \"rdr-c1\" is not established (status=connecting)"

      oc logs submariner-addonxxxxxxx
      2024-04-04T13:39:00.297Z DBG ..reswan/libreswan.go:255 libreswan Connection "submariner-cable-rdr-c1-192-168-2-82-0-0" not found in active connections obtained from whack: map[], map[] 2024-04-04T13:39:00.298Z DBG ..reswan/libreswan.go:269 libreswan Connection "submariner-cable-rdr-c1-192-168-2-82" not found in active connections obtained from whack: map[], map[] 2024/04/04 13:39:00 FATAL: sending packet: write ip4> sendto: object is remote 2024/04/04 13:39:01 FATAL: sending packet: write ip4> sendto: object is remote 2024/04/04 13:39:02 FATAL: sending packet: write ip4> sendto: object is remote 2024/04/04 13:39:03 FATAL: sending packet: write ip4> sendto: object is remote

      To summarize our shared analysis after deploying environments with different versions of ocp and cnv we can say that installing Submariner:
      Fails when the hub is ocp-release:4.16.0-ec.4-x86_64 and the managed clusters are CNV-v4.16.0.rhel9-1718
      Fails when the hub is ocp-release:4.16.0-ec.4-x86_64 and the managed clusters are CNV 4.15.0 GA
      Passes when you tested tested vmware on ocp 4.16 as managed cluster under hub on ocp 4.15.

      Actual results:

      The submariner installtion fails

      Expected results:

      The installation should pass

      Additional info:


        1. archive-rd1.tgz
          571 kB
          Kevin Alon Goldblatt
        2. archive-rd2.tgz
          1.31 MB
          Kevin Alon Goldblatt
        3. submariner-addon-6859f676c4-rlsh5-rdr-c1
          182 kB
          Kevin Alon Goldblatt
        4. submariner-addon-7686fd7759-ws9n2-dr-c2
          178 kB
          Kevin Alon Goldblatt
        5. submariner-addon-76cbb78c5b-qf7p4-rdr-hub
          21 kB
          Kevin Alon Goldblatt

            mbabushk@redhat.com Maxim Babushkin
            kgoldbla Kevin Alon Goldblatt
            Adam Litke, Maxim Babushkin, Ying Cui
            Maxim Babushkin Maxim Babushkin
            0 Vote for this issue
            4 Start watching this issue
