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  1. Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management
  2. ACM-1069

Placement API GA criteria tracking [do not sync to GH]


    • Icon: Epic Epic
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Critical Critical
    • None
    • None
    • Cluster Lifecycle
    • None
    • Placement API product GA criteria tracking
    • False
    • False
    • To Do
    • ACM-944 - Workload Delivery and Scheduling

      Current API status:  v1alpha1

      Epic Goal

      • Track the issues related to the GA graduation criteria for the Placement API


      Graduation Criteria



      1.  The new APIs is reviewed and accepted;
      2.  Implementation is completed to support the functionalities;
      3.  Develop test cases to demonstrate that the above user stories work correctly;



      1. The new APIs is able to cover all the capabilities of the current placementrule APIs;
      2. ACM-1070 A tool is provided to convert the objects of the current placementrule APIs to the objects of the new placement APIs.
      3.  (IDP operator, but this is not OCM community component) At lease one component uses the new APIs;
      4. ACM-880 Support selecting ManagedClusters belong to no ManagedClusterSet;
      5. ACM-879 Support tolerations/taints (user story 8);
      6. ACM-1071 Create metrics data when creating/updating placement decisions (user story 9);
      7. ACM-768 Support time window (user story 10);

      GA - v1?


      1. Pass the performance/scalability testing;
      2. ACM-1066 Migrate all components which has dependency on the current placementrule APIs to the new placement APIs;
      3. Deprecate the current placementrule APIs, and it will still exist in the next 3 releases.

              showeimer Sho Weimer
              showeimer Sho Weimer
              Qiu Jian Qiu Jian (Inactive)
              Qiu Jian Qiu Jian (Inactive)
              Sho Weimer Sho Weimer
              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue
