Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Description of problem:
After upgrading from 0.16 to 0.17 Connetectivy was lost and never recovered
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
ACM:- 2.10
Submariner before upgrade:- 0.16.2
Submariner after upgrade:- 0.17.0
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
- Deploy RDR cluster
- Perform ACM upgrade
- Perform submariner upgrade
Actual results:
subctl verify failed with these test
Summarizing 6 Failures: [FAIL] Basic TCP connectivity tests across overlapping clusters without discovery when a pod connects via TCP to the globalIP of a remote service when the pod is not on a gateway and the remote service is not on a gateway [It] should have sent the expected data from the pod to the other pod [dataplane, globalnet, basic] /remote-source/app/vendor/github.com/submariner-io/shipyard/test/e2e/framework/network_pods.go:195 [FAIL] Basic TCP connectivity tests across overlapping clusters without discovery when a pod connects via TCP to the globalIP of a remote service when the pod is on a gateway and the remote service is not on a gateway [It] should have sent the expected data from the pod to the other pod [dataplane, globalnet] /remote-source/app/vendor/github.com/submariner-io/shipyard/test/e2e/framework/network_pods.go:195 [FAIL] Basic TCP connectivity tests across overlapping clusters without discovery when a pod connects via TCP to the globalIP of a remote service when the pod is on a gateway and the remote service is on a gateway [It] should have sent the expected data from the pod to the other pod [dataplane, globalnet, basic] /remote-source/app/vendor/github.com/submariner-io/shipyard/test/e2e/framework/network_pods.go:195 [FAIL] Basic TCP connectivity tests across overlapping clusters without discovery when a pod matching an egress IP namespace selector connects via TCP to the globalIP of a remote service when the pod is not on a gateway and the remote service is not on a gateway [It] should have sent the expected data from the pod to the other pod [dataplane, globalnet] /remote-source/app/vendor/github.com/submariner-io/shipyard/test/e2e/framework/network_pods.go:195 [FAIL] Basic TCP connectivity tests across overlapping clusters without discovery when a pod matching an egress IP namespace selector connects via TCP to the globalIP of a remote service when the pod is on a gateway and the remote service is on a gateway [It] should have sent the expected data from the pod to the other pod [dataplane, globalnet] /remote-source/app/vendor/github.com/submariner-io/shipyard/test/e2e/framework/network_pods.go:195 [INTERRUPTED] Basic TCP connectivity tests across overlapping clusters without discovery when a pod matching an egress IP pod selector connects via TCP to the globalIP of a remote service when the pod is not on a gateway and the remote service is not on a gateway [It] should have sent the expected data from the pod to the other pod [dataplane, globalnet] /remote-source/app/vendor/github.com/submariner-io/submariner/test/e2e/dataplane/tcp_gn_pod_connectivity.go:53
Expected results:
connectivity should not break
Additional info:
slack thread https://redhat-internal.slack.com/archives/C0134E73VH6/p1710427653219279