Resolution: Done
ACM 2.10.0, ACM 2.9.0, ACM 2.8.0
RHOBS Sprint 20
Description of problem: I found this issue when I verified issue https://issues.redhat.com/browse/ACM-10232 specify the node by adding addonDeploymentConfig into the managedClusterAddon or clusterManagementAddon is working. But when addonDeploymentConfig is removed from clusterManagementAddon, the specified node setting is still affected on the endpoint operator.
Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):
How reproducible:
Steps to Reproduce:
- create one addondeploymentconfig to specify the node
- add it into managedclsuteraddon
- new created metrics collector running on the specified node
- remove addondeploymentconfig from managedclsuteraddon
- metrics collector restart and random running on one node
- add addondeploymentconfig into clustermanagetaddon
- metrics collector(hub)running on the specified node, endpoint operator(spoke)is pending due to there's no specified node on spoke, it's working as expected
- remove addondeploymentconfig from clustermanagetaddon, there's no effect on hub and spoke, they still running or pending on the specified node setting in addondeploymentconfig
- metrics collector(hub) is keep running, I delete metrics collector(hub), new one is still running on the specified node which setting in addondeploymentconfig
- endpoint operator(spoke)is still pending, I tried to delete endpoint operator(spoke), but new one still in pending.
Actual results:
Expected results:
Additional info:
- blocks
ACM-10809 [2.9.4] Observability - remove or update addonDeploymentConfig from the clusterManagementAddon is not effect
- Closed
- is blocked by
ACM-10474 [2.11] Observability - remove or update addonDeploymentConfig from the clusterManagementAddon is not effect
- Closed
- is cloned by
ACM-10474 [2.11] Observability - remove or update addonDeploymentConfig from the clusterManagementAddon is not effect
- Closed
ACM-10810 [2.8.7]Observability - remove or update addonDeploymentConfig from the clusterManagementAddon is not effect
- Closed
- is related to
ACM-7644 Observability - metrics data would not be forwarded by HTTPS+caBundle in proxy environment
- Closed
- links to
RHBA-2024:130356 Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management 2.10.2 bug fixes and container updates