Resolution: Unresolved
Partners are raising the issue that vmware.vmware_rest might be not properly documented. Feedback as follows:
delegate_to: local" is completely undocumented in either the vmware.vmware_rest collection docs or the vm_info module docs including in GitHub.
Only two of the dozens of module doc files make any reference to this task parameter: https://github.com/ansible-collections/vmware.vmware_rest
See below for details. For additional context, I think the VMware documentation (and more broadly, collections that work with service endpoints rather than running on managed nodes locally) could use some enhancements around use of delegate_to local and localhost (and bigger picture, what “local” actually means when an execution environment is involved— this is not at all intuitive for customers). For something this important to how AAP works, delegate to local is not being documented clearly either in the collections docs or even in the underlying Ansible code.
Also, in my mind, this other call out speaks to the challenges in taking certified collections docs at face value. There probably aren’t a lot of end customers who are going to be doing introspects to get to the bottom of issues like this.
Also note that vmware.vmware_rest appears to have an undocumented requirement for gcc. Even this has been installed in the custom EE:
$ ansible-builder introspect --sanitize~/.ansible/collections/ | grep vmware.vmware_rest
- 'aiohttp # from collection vmware.vmware_rest'
- 'gcc [compile platform:rhel-9] # from collection vmware.vmware_rest'
$ podman run cbe93e4a62e2b6497a8ae4c2c58a6bbddaa0cf5fb3f05ce263dc7ab382522c12 pip3 list | grep aiohttp
aiohttp 3.8.3
$ podman run cbe93e4a62e2b6497a8ae4c2c58a6bbddaa0cf5fb3f05ce263dc7ab382522c12 which gcc
-Ansible Builder custom EE’s, from build to test with Ansible-navigator to publish to add in AAP to successfully use in a job template.
-How to install and configure Postgres for external database scenarios (which goes into the installer issue that Yanis and I are working on)
-What localhost and Delegate to local mean when EE’s are involved
- is depended on by
AAPRFE-154 RFE VMware_rest - Improve documentation around lookup plugins
- In Progress