Resolution: Done
ANSTRAT-960 - [MVP] Ensure MVP AAP Portal Experience ready out of the box
Cloud Content Sprint 45, Cloud Content Sprint 46
Users can specify AWS region which is applied to all tasks
Use modules from the `amazon.aws` collection to create a role that creates an EC2 instance. All user-provided arguments must be validated through the `meta/argument_specs.yml` file.
- Create ec2 instance
- User specifies Instance name
- User specifies Instance type
- User specifies AMI ID
- User specifies subnet id
- User specifies key name
- User specifies vpc subnet id
- User specifies tags
- Boolean: User chooses to wait for boot
2. Optional:
User can choose to create network objects for external access. This should be an option that the user provides.
- User can choose to add an EIP. If they do
- Create EIP
- Associate this EIP with ec2 instance created
- Create a security group for external access
- User can specify SG name
- User can specify description
- Use the VPC specified by the user
- Add rules security group for external access
- User can specify ports & protocol
- Default should be SSH
- Use for cidr
- User can specify ports & protocol
- Create Internet Gateway for external access and modify the route table to route traffic destined for the internet ( through the ** Internet Gateway.
- User can choose to add an EIP. If they do
3. Print out the ec2 instance information