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  1. Ansible Cloud Automation
  2. ACA-1854

amazon.aws 9.0.0: Modules promotion


    • Icon: Epic Epic
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Undefined Undefined
    • None
    • None
    • cloud-content
    • None
    • amazon.aws 9.0.0: Modules promotion
    • False
    • Hide


    • False
    • Hide
      • Each module has been refactored/improved to align with the code quality standards and patterns we have established in amazon.aws.
      • Each module is covered by integration/unit testing.
      • Each promotion PR has been merged into both amazon.aws and community.aws.
      • A new amazon.aws 9.0.0 release has been published.
      • Upstream bugs should either be fixed or moved to amazon.aws.


      Each module has been refactored/improved to align with the code quality standards and patterns we have established in amazon.aws. Each module is covered by integration/unit testing. Each promotion PR has been merged into both amazon.aws and community.aws. A new amazon.aws 9.0.0 release has been published. Upstream bugs should either be fixed or moved to amazon.aws.  
    • To Do
    • 47% To Do, 40% In Progress, 13% Done


      Initial completion during New status and then remove this blue text.

      We will try to refactor/improve and then promote the following list of modules for the amazon.aws 9.0.0 release which will happen by the end of November.

      • autoscaling_instance_refresh
      • autoscaling_instance_refresh_info
      • ec2_vpc_egress_igw
      • ec2_vpc_peering
      • ec2_vpc_peering_info
      • ec2_vpc_vgw and ec2_vpc_vgw_info
      • ec2_vpc_vpn
      • ec2_vpc_vpn_info
      • ec2_vpc_nacl
      • ec2_vpc_nacl_info
      • ec2_transit_gateway
      • ec2_transit_gateway_info
      • ec2_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment
      • ec2_transit_gateway_vpc_attachment_info
      • elb_classic_lb_info

      Then if we still have time, we could also consider ec2_placement_group and ec2_launch_template. Otherwise, they can be added for an upcoming major release.

      User Stories

      Initial completion during New status and then remove this blue text.

      Format: "as a <type of user> I want <some goal> so that <some reason>"

      Supporting documentation

      Initial completion during New status and then remove this blue text.

      <include links to technical docs, diagrams, etc>

      For context, see also https://github.com/ansible-collections/amazon.aws/issues/2280#issuecomment-2356597721

      Use https://github.com/ansible-collections/el_grandiose_module_promoter to remove modules from community.aws, add the appropriate redirects, and migrate them (with git commit history) to amazon.aws.

      Please hold on merging the promotion PRs because we will need to disable squashing strategy on the amazon.aws repository and we may want to merge all open promotion PRs together.

      Definition of Done

      Initial completion during Refinement status and then remove this blue text. 

      Should be reviewed and updated by the team, based on each team agreement and conversation during backlog refinement.


      Acceptance Criteria

      COPY THIS INTO THE ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA FIELD during New status and then remove this section. 


      <Replace these with the functional requirements to deliver this work>


            mbuzachi Alina Buzachis
            mbuzachi Alina Buzachis
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