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  1. Ansible Cloud Automation
  2. ACA-1629

[amazon.aws/1878] Unable to launch ec2 instance on snowball edge device


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          1. Summary

      Unable to use the ec2_instance module to deploy a new instance on an AWS snowball device.

          1. Issue Type

      Bug Report

          1. Component Name


          1. Ansible Version

      ansible [core 2.14.9]
      config file = /home/ec2-user/openshift4-snowball/playbooks/ansible.cfg
      configured module search path = ['/home/ec2-user/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
      ansible python module location = /usr/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ansible
      ansible collection location = /home/ec2-user/.ansible/collections:/usr/share/ansible/collections
      executable location = /usr/bin/ansible
      python version = 3.9.18 (main, Sep 7 2023, 00:00:00) [GCC 11.4.1 20230605 (Red Hat 11.4.1-2)] (/usr/bin/python3)
      jinja version = 3.1.2
      libyaml = True

          1. Collection Versions

      ```console (paste below)
      $ ansible-galaxy collection list

          1. AWS SDK versions

      Collection Version
      ----------------- -------
      amazon.aws 7.0.0
      ansible.netcommon 5.3.0
      ansible.posix 1.5.4
      ansible.utils 2.11.0
      community.aws 7.0.0
      community.crypto 2.16.0
      community.general 8.0.2
      kubernetes.core 2.4.0

          1. Configuration

      CACHE_PLUGIN(/home/ec2-user/openshift4-snowball/playbooks/ansible.cfg) = jsonfile
      CACHE_PLUGIN_CONNECTION(/home/ec2-user/openshift4-snowball/playbooks/ansible.cfg) = /tmp/ansiblecachedir
      CONFIG_FILE() = /home/ec2-user/openshift4-snowball/playbooks/ansible.cfg
      DEFAULT_FORKS(/home/ec2-user/openshift4-snowball/playbooks/ansible.cfg) = 5
      DEFAULT_HOST_LIST(/home/ec2-user/openshift4-snowball/playbooks/ansible.cfg) = ['/home/ec2-user/openshift4-snowball/playbooks/>
      DEFAULT_LOG_PATH(/home/ec2-user/openshift4-snowball/playbooks/ansible.cfg) = /home/ec2-user/openshift4-snowball/playbooks/ans>
      DEFAULT_STDOUT_CALLBACK(/home/ec2-user/openshift4-snowball/playbooks/ansible.cfg) = debug
      HOST_KEY_CHECKING(/home/ec2-user/openshift4-snowball/playbooks/ansible.cfg) = False
      RETRY_FILES_ENABLED(/home/ec2-user/openshift4-snowball/playbooks/ansible.cfg) = False

          1. OS / Environment

      RHEL 9

          1. Steps to Reproduce


      • hosts: localhost
        gather_facts: true
        become: false
      • name: Deploy EC2 instance to snowball device
        region: snow
        profile: snowballEdge
        ec2_url: ""
        validate_certs: false
        name: "test-instance"
        instance_type: sbe-c.2xlarge
        security_group: default
        image_id: s.ami-81f9adb9946bd8506
          1. Expected Results

      An EC2 instance is launched on the snowball device

          1. Actual Results

      TASK [Deploy EC2 instance to snowball device] ********************************************************************************
      An exception occurred during task execution. To see the full traceback, use -vvv. The error was: botocore.exceptions.ClientError: An error occurred (InvalidAction) when calling the DescribeVpcs operation: Could not find operation DescribeVpcs
      [DEPRECATION WARNING]: Alias 'ec2_url' is deprecated. See the module docs for more information. This feature will be removed
      from amazon.aws in a release after 2024-12-01. Deprecation warnings can be disabled by setting deprecation_warnings=False in
      fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {
      "boto3_version": "1.29.1",
      "botocore_version": "1.32.1",
      "changed": false,

      { "code": "InvalidAction", "message": "Could not find operation DescribeVpcs" }

      "response_metadata": {

      { "connection": "close", "content-length": "229", "content-type": "text/xml", "date": "Thu, 23 Nov 2023 18:33:16 GMT", "x-amzn-requestid": "18162771-6a3f-4205-85a6-8cb3ce9fd4ea" }

      "http_status_code": 400,
      "request_id": "18162771-6a3f-4205-85a6-8cb3ce9fd4ea",
      "retry_attempts": 0


      Could not describe default VPC: An error occurred (InvalidAction) when calling the DescribeVpcs operation: Could not find operation DescribeVpcs

          1. Code of Conduct
      • [X] I agree to follow the Ansible Code of Conduct

            Unassigned Unassigned
            gosriniv@redhat.com Gomathi selvi Srinivasan
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