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  1. Ansible Cloud Automation
  2. ACA-1621

[vmware.vmware_rest/364] Multiple vCenters at the same time can cause errors


    • False
    • Hide


    • False

      <!--- Verify first that your issue is not already reported on GitHub -->
      <!--- Also test if the latest release and devel branch are affected too -->
      <!--- Complete all sections as described, this form is processed automatically -->

              1. SUMMARY
                <!--- Explain the problem briefly below -->
                Might be a repeat of #336 where playbooks with multiple tasks that use the vmware.vmware_rest modules against multiple vCenters at the same time may error. It is not completely repeatable but does happen often. Sometimes a retry fixes it. Unable to reproduce with a single vCenter. Running cloud.common 2.1.2 and vmware.vmware_rest 2.2.0
              1. ISSUE TYPE
      • Bug Report
              1. COMPONENT NAME
                <!--- Write the short name of the module, plugin, task or feature below, use your best guess if unsure -->
                Observed in
                and possibly others
              2. ANSIBLE VERSION
                <!--- Paste verbatim output from "ansible --version" between quotes -->
                ```paste below
                ansible [core 2.13.6]
                config file = /runner/ansible.cfg
                configured module search path = ['/home/runner/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
                ansible python module location = /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ansible
                ansible collection location = /runner/collections
                executable location = /usr/local/bin/ansible
                python version = 3.8.13 (default, Jun 24 2022, 15:27:57) [GCC 8.5.0 20210514 (Red Hat 8.5.0-13)]
                jinja version = 3.1.2
                libyaml = True
              1. COLLECTION VERSION
                <!--- Paste verbatim output from "ansible-galaxy collection list <namespace>.<collection>" between the quotes
                for example: ansible-galaxy collection list community.general
                ```paste below
                Collection Version
                                        • -------
                                          vmware.vmware_rest 2.2.0
                                          cloud.common 2.1.2
              1. CONFIGURATION
                <!--- Paste verbatim output from "ansible-config dump --only-changed" between quotes -->
                ```paste below
                COLLECTIONS_PATHS(/runner/ansible.cfg) = ['/runner/collections']
                DEFAULT_FILTER_PLUGIN_PATH(/runner/ansible.cfg) = ['/runner/custom_filters']
                DEFAULT_ROLES_PATH(/runner/ansible.cfg) = ['/runner/roles']
                DEFAULT_STRATEGY_PLUGIN_PATH(/runner/ansible.cfg) = ['/runner/custom_plugins/mitogen-0.3.0-rc.0/ansible_mitogen/plugins/strategy']
                DEFAULT_TIMEOUT(/runner/ansible.cfg) = 40
                HOST_KEY_CHECKING(/runner/ansible.cfg) = False
                PARAMIKO_LOOK_FOR_KEYS(/runner/ansible.cfg) = False
              1. OS / ENVIRONMENT
                <!--- Provide all relevant information below, e.g. target OS versions, network device firmware, etc. -->
                Ansible Execution Environment from ansible-builder
                vCenter 7.0 U3
              1. STEPS TO REPRODUCE
                <!--- Describe exactly how to reproduce the problem, using a minimal test-case -->
                Playbook with several tasks in a row all using the same collection. After
                <!--- Paste example playbooks or commands between quotes below -->
      • name: DNS Servers
        vcenter_hostname: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
        vcenter_username: "{{ vcenter_user }}"
        vcenter_password: "{{ vcenter_password }}"
        vcenter_validate_certs: "{{ vmware_validate_certs }}"
        servers: "{{ dns_servers }}"
        mode: is_static
        delegate_to: localhost
        retries: 12
        delay: 10
      • dns
      • name: Content Library
        hostname: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
        username: "{{ vcenter_user }}"
        password: "{{ vcenter_password }}"
        validate_certs: "{{ vmware_validate_certs }}"
        library_name: "{{ item.library_name }}"
        library_description: "{{ item.library_description | default(omit) }}"
        library_type: "{{ item.library_type | default(omit) }}"
        datastore_name: "{{ item.datastore_name | default(omit) }}"
        subscription_url: "{{ item.subscription_url | default(omit) }}"
        ssl_thumbprint: "{{ item.ssl_thumbprint | default(omit) }}"
        update_on_demand: "{{ item.update_on_demand | default(omit) }}"
        state: "{{ item.state | default(omit) }}"
        delegate_to: localhost
        loop: "{{ content_libraries }}"
        label: "{{ item.library_name }}"
        when: content_libraries is defined
        retries: 12
        delay: 10
      • content_library
      • name: Timezone
        vcenter_hostname: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
        vcenter_username: "{{ vcenter_user }}"
        vcenter_password: "{{ vcenter_password }}"
        vcenter_validate_certs: "{{ vmware_validate_certs }}"
        name: America/Chicago
        delegate_to: localhost
        retries: 12
        delay: 10
      • timezone
      • name: NTP configuration
        vcenter_hostname: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
        vcenter_username: "{{ vcenter_user }}"
        vcenter_password: "{{ vcenter_password }}"
        vcenter_validate_certs: "{{ vmware_validate_certs }}"
        servers: "{{ ntp_servers }}"
        delegate_to: localhost
        retries: 12
        delay: 10
      • ntp
        notify: Restart the ntpd service
      • name: Enable NTP time sync
        vcenter_hostname: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
        vcenter_username: "{{ vcenter_user }}"
        vcenter_password: "{{ vcenter_password }}"
        vcenter_validate_certs: "{{ vmware_validate_certs }}"
        mode: NTP
        delegate_to: localhost
        retries: 12
        delay: 10
      • ntp
      • name: Network Proxy - HTTP
        vcenter_hostname: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
        vcenter_username: "{{ vcenter_user }}"
        vcenter_password: "{{ vcenter_password }}"
        vcenter_validate_certs: "{{ vmware_validate_certs }}"
        enabled: true
        server: "{{ http_proxy }}"
        port: "{{ http_proxy_port }}"
        protocol: http
        delegate_to: localhost
        when: http_proxy is defined
        retries: 12
        delay: 10
      • proxy
      • http
      • name: Network Proxy - HTTPS
        vcenter_hostname: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
        vcenter_username: "{{ vcenter_user }}"
        vcenter_password: "{{ vcenter_password }}"
        vcenter_validate_certs: "{{ vmware_validate_certs }}"
        enabled: true
        server: "{{ https_proxy }}"
        port: "{{ https_proxy_port }}"
        protocol: https
        delegate_to: localhost
        when: https_proxy is defined
        retries: 12
        delay: 10
      • proxy
      • https

      <!--- HINT: You can paste gist.github.com links for larger files -->

              1. EXPECTED RESULTS
                <!--- Describe what you expected to happen when running the steps above -->
                All tasks complete the same as if they were run with the option `serial: 1` being set
              1. ACTUAL RESULTS
                <!--- Describe what actually happened. If possible run with extra verbosity (-vvvv) -->
                On the 7th task, one of the 12 vcenters in the inventory threw the error below while all of the others completed successfully. Retrying it may succeed on all, or fail with similar message on a different vcenter with the same error
                <!--- Paste verbatim command output between quotes -->
                ```paste below
                An exception occurred during task execution. To see the full traceback, use -vvv. The error was: ansible_collections.cloud.common.plugins.module_utils.turbo.exceptions.EmbeddedModuleUnexpectedFailure: Cannot decode plugin answer: b''
                fatal: [randomvcenter.domain.com -> localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "module_stderr": "Traceback (most recent call last):\n File \"/tmp/ansible_vmware.vmware_rest.appliance_access_ssh_payload_ypjpjcua/ansible_vmware.vmware_rest.appliance_access_ssh_payload.zip/ansible_collections/cloud/common/plugins/module_utils/turbo/common.py\", line 106, in communicate\n File \"/usr/lib64/python3.8/json/__init__.py\", line 357, in loads\n return _default_decoder.decode(s)\n File \"/usr/lib64/python3.8/json/decoder.py\", line 337, in decode\n obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())\n File \"/usr/lib64/python3.8/json/decoder.py\", line 355, in raw_decode\n raise JSONDecodeError(\"Expecting value\", s, err.value) from None\njson.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)\n\nDuring handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:\n\nTraceback (most recent call last):\n File \"/root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1668545865.656959-11481-114100221361235/AnsiballZ_appliance_access_ssh.py\", line 107, in <module>\n _ansiballz_main()\n File \"/root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1668545865.656959-11481-114100221361235/AnsiballZ_appliance_access_ssh.py\", line 99, in _ansiballz_main\n invoke_module(zipped_mod, temp_path, ANSIBALLZ_PARAMS)\n File \"/root/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-1668545865.656959-11481-114100221361235/AnsiballZ_appliance_access_ssh.py\", line 47, in invoke_module\n runpy.run_module(mod_name='ansible_collections.vmware.vmware_rest.plugins.modules.appliance_access_ssh', init_globals=dict(_module_fqn='ansible_collections.vmware.vmware_rest.plugins.modules.appliance_access_ssh', _modlib_path=modlib_path),\n File \"/usr/lib64/python3.8/runpy.py\", line 207, in run_module\n return _run_module_code(code, init_globals, run_name, mod_spec)\n File \"/usr/lib64/python3.8/runpy.py\", line 97, in _run_module_code\n _run_code(code, mod_globals, init_globals,\n File \"/usr/lib64/python3.8/runpy.py\", line 87, in _run_code\n exec(code, run_globals)\n File \"/tmp/ansible_vmware.vmware_rest.appliance_access_ssh_payload_ypjpjcua/ansible_vmware.vmware_rest.appliance_access_ssh_payload.zip/ansible_collections/vmware/vmware_rest/plugins/modules/appliance_access_ssh.py\", line 261, in <module>\n File \"/usr/lib64/python3.8/asyncio/base_events.py\", line 616, in run_until_complete\n return future.result()\n File \"/tmp/ansible_vmware.vmware_rest.appliance_access_ssh_payload_ypjpjcua/ansible_vmware.vmware_rest.appliance_access_ssh_payload.zip/ansible_collections/vmware/vmware_rest/plugins/modules/appliance_access_ssh.py\", line 177, in main\n File \"/tmp/ansible_vmware.vmware_rest.appliance_access_ssh_payload_ypjpjcua/ansible_vmware.vmware_rest.appliance_access_ssh_payload.zip/ansible_collections/cloud/common/plugins/module_utils/turbo/module.py\", line 119, in __init__\n File \"/tmp/ansible_vmware.vmware_rest.appliance_access_ssh_payload_ypjpjcua/ansible_vmware.vmware_rest.appliance_access_ssh_payload.zip/ansible_collections/cloud/common/plugins/module_utils/turbo/module.py\", line 154, in run_on_daemon\n File \"/tmp/ansible_vmware.vmware_rest.appliance_access_ssh_payload_ypjpjcua/ansible_vmware.vmware_rest.appliance_access_ssh_payload.zip/ansible_collections/cloud/common/plugins/module_utils/turbo/common.py\", line 109, in communicate\nansible_collections.cloud.common.plugins.module_utils.turbo.exceptions.EmbeddedModuleUnexpectedFailure: Cannot decode plugin answer: b''\n", "module_stdout": "", "msg": "MODULE FAILURE\nSee stdout/stderr for the exact error", "rc": 1}


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            gosriniv@redhat.com Gomathi selvi Srinivasan
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