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  1. Ansible Cloud Automation
  2. ACA-1600

Incorrect and Incomplete information about the azure_manage_postgresql_postgresql_admin_password in README.md file for the azure_manage_postgresql role


    • Icon: Bug Bug
    • Resolution: Unresolved
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    • azure, content
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    • Important

      Incorrect and Incomplete information about the azure_manage_postgresql_postgresql_admin_password in README.md file for the azure_manage_postgresql role:


      • Incorrect information about the azure_manage_postgresql_postgresql_admin_password:

      In the README: "azure_manage_postgresql_postgresql_admin_password: The password of the administrator login. When this is not defined, the role will generated a password that can be read later in the variable name." But while the testing I ran into the issue that if the password undefined you'll receive the below error: *

        • TASK [cloud.azure_ops.azure_manage_postgresql : Check Azure PostgreSQL admin password] ***
          fatal: [testhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "Azure PostgreSQL Server admin password must be defined as azure_manage_postgresql_postgresql_admin_password"}
      • incorrect password example in the example's playbook - 
        azure_manage_postgresql_postgresql_admin_password: 'Password123!' - Password not comlex enough
      • Missing admin_password requirements: 


      The supplied password must be between 6-72 characters long and must satisfy at least 3 of password complexity requirements from the following:
      1) Contains an uppercase character
      2) Contains a lowercase character
      3) Contains a numeric digit
      4) Contains a special character
      5) Control characters are not allowed

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            prabinov Polina Rabinovich
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