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  1. Ansible Cloud Automation
  2. ACA-1416

Managed Application support in Ansible collection for Azure


    • Managed Application support in Ansible collection for Azure
    • False
    • Hide


    • False
    • To Do
    • ANSTRAT-629 - Phase 4: Azure Content Collection Enhancements
    • ANSTRAT-629Phase 4: Azure Content Collection Enhancements
    • 100% To Do, 0% In Progress, 0% Done


      Both Red Hat and Ansible customers have interest in support for managed application deployment and configuration through the Azure collection. Red Hat SREs and management teams could use this capability to automate testing and deployment of managed applications where the Azure GUI or CLI are required today. Similarly, customers have requested the capability where they may want isolated deployments of Ansible on Azure in different regions or subscriptions; those customers can use Terraform or the Azure CLI to deploy Ansible on Azure easily. Those customers should be able to use Ansible to deploy Ansible on Azure in as seamless a capacity as competing offerings.

      User Stories

      As an Ansible on Clouds customer I can use Ansible playbooks to support the deployment and management of my Managed Applications so that I can design automation that doesn't require an experience where I have to build calls to the Azure CLI and maintain custom Execution Environments that provide the Azure CLI or REST API support that do operate with Managed Applications. This will allow me to move away from a Terraform-based solutions that do support Managed Applications when I need to have my infrastructure designed as code.

      As the Ansible on Clouds project we can use the Azure Collection to create playbooks to deploy and manage the lifecycle of managed applications so that playbooks and automation can be written in native Ansible syntax as opposed to relying on calls to the Azure CLI or REST APIs in order to perform the action. This improvement will allow the project to decouple from the Azure CLI for many deployment requirements and remove an unnecessary abstraction.

      Supporting documentation

      <include links to technical docs, diagrams, etc>



      Complete Ready-Ready checklist

      Definition of Done

      Should be agreed upon per team; add/remove/update to reflect:{}

      • CI is running, tests are automated and merged and successful
      • DEV upstream code & tests merged
      • DEV upstream documentation merged
      • DEV downstream build attached to advisory
      • QE - Test plans documented and attached to epic (or link to source)
      • QE - automated tests merged and passing
      • Docs - Downstream documentation is merged
      • PM - all acceptance criteria are met (note: we want to start using the AC specific field, but please fill out below in the meantime)


      Note: please also fill out the 'Acceptance Criteria' to indicate functional criteria aka scope, specific to this issue, that should be met in order to 'accept' the work to consider complete. 

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            nargaman Nir Argaman
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