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  1. Ansible Cloud Automation
  2. ACA-1412

PostgreSQL Flexible Server types support in Ansible collection for Azure


    • PostgreSQL Flexible Server types support in Ansible collection for Azure
    • False
    • Hide


    • False
    • To Do
    • ANSTRAT-454 - Phase 3: Azure Content Collection Enhancements
    • 100% To Do, 0% In Progress, 0% Done


      Both Ansible and Ansible customers frequently use PostgreSQL as the database for services. The Azure collection does not support flexible server types, which limits options for automating database services for both deployments of the managed application and customer applications. Support for Flexible Servers delivers capabilities to support common customer feature requests and so that managed application deployments can right-size database instances based on customer infrastructure use.

      User Stories

      As an Ansible on Clouds automator I can create and manage the lifecycle of PostgreSQL Flex Servers so that I may automate the deployment and management of my PostgreSQL-based applications that need to run on the Azure Flex DB service.

      Supporting documentation

      <include links to technical docs, diagrams, etc>



      Complete Ready-Ready checklist

      Definition of Done

      Should be agreed upon per team; add/remove/update to reflect:{}

      • CI is running, tests are automated and merged and successful
      • DEV upstream code & tests merged
      • DEV upstream documentation merged
      • DEV downstream build attached to advisory
      • QE - Test plans documented and attached to epic (or link to source)
      • QE - automated tests merged and passing
      • Docs - Downstream documentation is merged
      • PM - all acceptance criteria are met (note: we want to start using the AC specific field, but please fill out below in the meantime)


      Note: please also fill out the 'Acceptance Criteria' to indicate functional criteria aka scope, specific to this issue, that should be met in order to 'accept' the work to consider complete. 

            bpeck@redhat.com Bill Peck
            nargaman Nir Argaman
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
