Feature Request
Resolution: Unresolved
- What is the nature and description of the request?
- Currently you cannot point a remote registry towards git type repository to receive a collection from there. Rather than limit it git type repository we should open this up to most CI/CD pipeline hosts so that we can allow customers to manager their own repos for things like this.
- Why does the customer need this? (List the business requirements here)
- Customer would like to automate this process, once a change gets pushed to the collection stored in git type repository the system would then reach out and grab it.
- At this point, then his other elements of AAP could grab the updated collection from the Private automation Hub
- How would you like to achieve this? (List the functional requirements here)
- The current remote registry field would work, but it would be better to allow private sources so added the same kind of credentials and authentication that exists in Controller for git type repository would be great.
- List any affected known dependencies: Doc, UI etc..
- Docs, UI, API, Hub
- account is impacted by
AAPRFE-1153 Ability of the Private Automation Hub to directly synchronize Collections from Git
- Closed