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  1. Ansible Automation Platform RFEs
  2. AAPRFE-467

[CEE.neXT][RFE] Request to add pre-upgrade check utility.


    • Icon: Feature Request Feature Request
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • None
    • 2.2, 2.3, 2.4
    • platform-installer
    • False
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    • False

      In the context of the Ansible automation platform, a "pre-upgrade check utility" would be a tool or playbook designed to help customers and support engineers with the process of upgrading or migrating their infrastructure using Ansible. Here's how it can benefit them:

      • Benefits for Customers:
      1. Safety and Reliability: The pre-upgrade check utility in Ansible can assess the current state of the infrastructure and identify potential risks or issues that may arise during the upgrade process. This provides customers with a safety net, ensuring that the upgrade is less likely to cause unexpected problems or downtime.
      2.  Compatibility Checks: Ansible's pre-upgrade check utility can verify the compatibility of existing roles, playbooks, and modules with the target version of Ansible. This helps customers understand which parts of their automation might need adjustments before upgrading, preventing conflicts or failures.
      3. Optimization Opportunities: The utility can analyze the existing infrastructure and configuration, providing insights into potential performance optimizations or best practices that customers can implement during the upgrade.
      • Benefits for Support Engineers:
      1. Troubleshooting Assistance: The pre-upgrade check utility acts as a preliminary diagnostic tool for support engineers. It helps them identify potential issues that customers might face during the upgrade and allows them to prepare appropriate solutions in advance.
      2. Time Savings: By automating the pre-upgrade checks, support engineers save time and effort that would otherwise be spent manually inspecting and validating customer environments. This enables them to assist a larger number of customers efficiently.
      3. Consistent Assessments: With a standardized pre-upgrade check utility, support engineers can ensure that customers are provided with consistent and accurate assessments of their environments, leading to better support experiences.

      Overall, the pre-upgrade check utility in the Ansible automation platform contributes to a smoother, safer, and more efficient upgrade process, benefitting both customers and support engineers. It helps customers understand the state of their infrastructure and the potential challenges ahead, while enabling support engineers to assist customers more effectively.

      The utility should perform the following check

      1. System Requirements: It should verify if the current system meets the minimum hardware and software requirements for the target version. Required ports are opened or not, partitions are mounted on the correct path or not if there are any, etc. 
      2. Package Dependencies: The command should check for any missing or incompatible packages required for the upgrade and provides instructions to address them.
      3. Subscription and Repository Configuration: To ensures that the required subscriptions and repositories are correctly configured and accessible for downloading the necessary packages during the upgrade.
      4.  Database Health: The utility should check the health and integrity of the database, ensuring it is compatible with the new version and doesn't have any issues that could affect the upgrade.
      5. Service Status: It should verify the status of critical services to ensure they are running correctly before the upgrade.
      6. Identify Custom Configuration: It should identify custom configurations and preserve them in a file. Once the upgrade is done, the user can refer to this file to restore the custom configurations.
      7. Hotfix identification: The utility should identify if any hotfixes are installed on the system.
      8. Backup Status: It may prompt users to create a backup of their current Satellite configuration and database to safeguard against potential data loss during the upgrade.
      9. 9. Upgrade Paths: The utility may analyze the current version and suggest the appropriate upgrade path to the target version, considering any required intermediate upgrades.
      10. Configuration File Changes: It identifies any deprecated or obsolete configuration settings and provides guidance on updating them for the new version.
      11. Post-Upgrade Actions: The command may provide instructions on post-upgrade tasks, like reconfiguring certain components or performing specific actions after the upgrade is complete.
      12. Verify Inventory File: The utility should verify the inventory file and check for any misconfiguration. Once the inventory file verifies, it should display AAP environment information for users to confirm.
      13. Optional: It should check if there are any jobs running or not and advise the user to wait till all jobs get completed to avoid jobs-related issues post-upgrade. 
      14. Optional: Provide the solutions to the issue reported in the check.

      The Red Hat Satellite 6.x have this utility in the product for a long time and it helped customers and support engineers tremendously. This will definitely help to improve the life of AAP users and support engineers. More information can be found here -


      If you are interested in data on how this utility helped customers and engineers, please let me know. I'll get this data from the satellite team.

            rhn-sa-pgriffiths Phil Griffiths
            rhn-support-pghadge Prakash Ghadge
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
