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  1. Ansible Automation Platform RFEs
  2. AAPRFE-1752

Ability to add execution nodes after the initial install


    • False
    • Hide


    • False

      Current Process

      In the meantime, Red Hat consulting has provided the customer a workaround for this issue.

      RH Consulting performed the following steps with guidance from the engineering team:

      1. Ran the "awx-manage provision_instance --host=<HOST> --node_type=execution" command and that created the instance.
      2. Downloaded the install receptor bundle
      3. Changed the inventory with the correct user and modified the group_vars/all.yml file to set receptor_listener to false and set the receptor_peers to the controller.
      4. Ran the install_receptor.yml and everything went through without issues.
      5. But when I check the controller UI I see the instance as unavailable and the error shows "Instance xxx is not in the receptor mesh"
      6. Ran the receptorctl command to check the status and the node shows up but I don't see any Known Connections.
      7. Ran the receptorctl command to ping the controller from the execution node but get a "ERROR: no route to node" error.

      The test was successful after setting receptor_listener to true, and the execution node was added to the mesh.

      Desired Process

      The customer needs the ability to add execution nodes easily after the initial install.

      Business Impact

      Resource control would help with reducing the toil for installs.

      Security Impact


      Scale Impact

      This feature would be critical in helping the customer to scale more quickly and efficiently.

              bcoursen@redhat.com Brian Coursen
              rhn-support-jbyrd Jimmy Byrd
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
