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  1. Ansible Automation Platform RFEs
  2. AAPRFE-1694

Overview page: Provide an inventory based view vs. just a jobs based view


    • False
    • Hide


    • False

      1. What is the nature and description of the request?

      On the Overview page, we currently show the Job Activity chart over time. Customers have mentioned it would be more helpful to see this in an Inventory view vs Jobs based view since some customers only manage inventories. New customers don't really understand jobs but have more of a grasp on Inventories. In addition to a Job Activity chart, there should be a switcher to switch between jobs vs inventories.


      2. Why does the customer need this? (List the business requirements here)

      • Customers have mentioned it would be more helpful to see this in an Inventory view vs Jobs based view since some customers only manage inventories. New customers don't really understand jobs but have more of a grasp on Inventories. 


      3. How would you like to achieve this? (List the functional requirements

      Add a table switcher to include an Inventories chart in addition to the Job Activity chart.


      4. List any affected known dependencies: Doc, UI etc..



      5. Github Link if any

      • N/A


      This was discussed in an internal feedback session with TMMs.

              rhn-support-ebock Emily Bock
              tiyip Tina Tien
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              1 Start watching this issue
