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  1. Ansible Automation Platform RFEs
  2. AAPRFE-1623

AAP UI tooltips map directly and take you to the right docs content


    • False
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    • False

      Our 2.5 based UI has tooltips to help the user fill out required content in relevant fields.

      Some are straightforward enough, for example:

      But others, leave the user wanting and just further confused:

      In all cases though we should have a docs structure that allows the engineer to know where the content will be (URL) so they can link to the right docs content. This will provide the following benefits:

      1. Align engineering and docs efforts creating a much better and informed experience
      2. Help avoid those missing and broken links issues that come up in every release
      3. Stop users having to go hunting for information on our portal, which is a bit of a minefield and requires user effort
      4. will provide much more context than a tooltip alone can provide
      5. Provide better docs categorisation and themes


              rhn-support-ebock Emily Bock
              rhn-sa-pgriffiths Phil Griffiths
              0 Vote for this issue
              1 Start watching this issue
