Feature Request
Resolution: Unresolved
TD Bank uses workflows for Regression tests.
For example, the OS upgrade playbook was tested against each physical device in the lab. And every time there is a code change regression, the workflow test runs (it is semi automated).
In an existing workflow as they are right now, each step needs: A predefined template, predefined inventory, and it’s hard to input variables, select the template and inventory per box, with static surveys.
TD Bank expects the workflows to be more dynamic and have the ability to pass input and output variables between tasks. It is doable now if they edit the playbook to save the output vars, but that breaks the reusability of playbooks, as they cannot update playbooks every time they update variables.
User Stories
As an automation creator/developer, I expect the workflows to be able to store output variables, and input variables for the whole execution of the workflow.
As an operator I expect flexibility for the workflow, and be able to run the whole automation jobs one by one for the same inventory and with the same settings if needed.
As a network automation engineer or operator, I expect a GUI experience to be simple, I will rarely interact with APIs or be able to integrate with other portals or in-house development.