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  1. Automation Hub
  2. AAH-8

Provide a full list of resolved collection-level dependencies via API

    • Icon: Task Task
    • Resolution: Done
    • Icon: Normal Normal
    • 2.0
    • None
    • Backend
    • AAH 4.3.0 Sprint 3

      This will be needed by ansible-builder in order to construct a list of python / system level dependencies. We will need to inspect each collection for the information surfaced by #23

      Proposed Solution

      I'm unopinionated on the implementation details, but if it helps to know what I'm currently doing... the only way for me to get the data I need is via a private method in the Galaxy CLI:

      from ansible import context
      from ansible.galaxy import Galaxy
      from ansible.galaxy.api import GalaxyAPI
      from ansible.galaxy.collection import _build_dependency_map
      context.CLIARGS = {'type': 'collection', 'ignore_certs': True}
      galaxy = Galaxy()
      api = GalaxyAPI(galaxy, 'default', 'https://galaxy.ansible.com')
      dependency_map = _build_dependency_map([('alancoding.deps', '*', None)],
                                             [api], False, False, False, False)

              bmclaugh@redhat.com Brian McLaughlin
              chousekn Chris Houseknecht (Inactive)
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue
