Resolution: Done
We need to address https://pulp.plan.io/issues/8691 "Pulp fails against django 2.2.21"
Current options for 4.3 code freeze:
- wait on fix to occur in django, likely django==2.2.23
- temporarily pin to django==2.2.20 (mostly to get CI stable, and unjam any stable-4.3 prs)
- wait on https://pulp.plan.io/issues/8691 to be resolved in pulpcore 3.11
Currently it seems like fix for https://pulp.plan.io/issues/8691 is going to be dependent on the upstream django fix.
Additionally, it appears that there will be a django-2.2.22 today that fixes an unrelated CVE, but presumably something we want in stable-4.3.
- blocks
AAH-576 Update all dependencies for and master
- Closed