• Icon: Epic Epic
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 2.5-next
    • None
    • aap-ui, UI
    • hub-new-ui-repositories
    • False
    • Hide


    • False
    • Hide
      • As a user, I can visit the "Repositories" under Automation Hub(this could be different based upon upstream or downstream) menu within the Platform UI.
      • As a user i should be able to click into Repositories to see details of a Repository
      • As a user i should see filter search bar on Repositories screen
      • As a user i should be able to toggle between card and tile views on list of Repositories
      • As a user i should be able to paginate thru list of Repositories using framework component
      • As a user i should be able to set per page setting for list of Repositories using framework component
      • As a user i should see empty state when no Repositories are available to display
      • As an admin user i should be able to perform following actions on a selected Repository(s)
        • Add
        • Edit
        • Sync
        • Copy CLI configuration
        • Delete
      • As a user i should be able to see following tabs on a Repository details screen
        • Details
        • Collection version
        • Versions
      • As a user when i navigate to Collection versions tab from Repository detail screen, i should be able to perform following actions
        • Add collection
        • Remove collection
      • As a user when i navigate to Versions tab from Repository detail screen, i should be able to perform following actions
        • Revert to version
      As a user, I can visit the "Repositories" under Automation Hub(this could be different based upon upstream or downstream) menu within the Platform UI. As a user i should be able to click into Repositories to see details of a Repository As a user i should see filter search bar on Repositories screen As a user i should be able to toggle between card and tile views on list of Repositories As a user i should be able to paginate thru list of Repositories using framework component As a user i should be able to set per page setting for list of Repositories using framework component As a user i should see empty state when no Repositories are available to display As an admin user i should be able to perform following actions on a selected Repository(s) Add Edit Sync Copy CLI configuration Delete As a user i should be able to see following tabs on a Repository details screen Details Collection version Versions As a user when i navigate to Collection versions tab from Repository detail screen, i should be able to perform following actions Add collection Remove collection As a user when i navigate to Versions tab from Repository detail screen, i should be able to perform following actions Revert to version
    • ANSTRAT-596 - Incorporate Hub into Platform UI
    • 5% To Do, 0% In Progress, 95% Done

      Problem Description: describe the problem this is solving

      Proposed Solution: "Describe in few sentences what is the proposed solution"


      • Set the affected Component(s): Backend, Infrastructure, Pulp, QE, Security, UI
      • Apply labels "crc-automation-hub" and/or "private-automation-hub" to indicate if the issue is for Cloud Automation Hub, Private Automation Hub, or both

            znemecko Zita Nemeckova
            mhradil-1 Martin Hradil
            Ingrid Sena Ingrid Sena
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue
