• Icon: Epic Epic
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Icon: Major Major
    • 2.5-next
    • None
    • aap-ui, UI
    • hub-new-ui-collections
    • True
    • Show
    • False
    • Hide
      • As a user, I can upload a new Collection.
      • As a user, I can visit the Collections within the Platform UI. It
        • Should be accessible in the sidebar nav as section called "Collections"
      • As a user i should be able to click into Collections to see details of a Collection
      • As a user i should see filter search bar on Collections screen
      • As a user i should be able to toggle between card and tile views on list of Collections
      • As a user i should be able to paginate thru list of Collections using framework component
      • As a user i should be able to set per page setting for list of Collections using framework component
      • As a user i should see version picker modal on Collections details screen, when > 10 versions TEST IS SKIPPED FOR SOME REASON
      • As a user i should see empty state when no collections are available to display
      • As an admin user i should be able to perform following actions on a selected Collection
        • Delete a version of a collection
        • Remove a version from repository
        • Copy version to repository THIS NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED
        • Sign a version
        • Sign a collection
        • Delete a collection
        • Deprecate a collection
        • Remove a collection from repository
        • Upload a new version
        • Approve a collection
      • As a user i should see following tabs on Collection details screen WE NEED A TEST THAT ASSERTS PROPER DATA AND FUNCTIONALITY ON THE TABS OF AN INDIVIDUAL COLLECTION 
        • Details(need verification from UX, sounds to be same as Install tab)
        • Install
        • Documentation – I should see typeahead filter
        • Contents
              — I should see typeahead filter
        • Import log
        • Dependencies
        • Distributions



      As a user, I can upload a new Collection. As a user, I can visit the Collections within the Platform UI. It Should be accessible in the sidebar nav as section called "Collections" As a user i should be able to click into Collections to see details of a Collection As a user i should see filter search bar on Collections screen As a user i should be able to toggle between card and tile views on list of Collections As a user i should be able to paginate thru list of Collections using framework component As a user i should be able to set per page setting for list of Collections using framework component As a user i should see version picker modal on Collections details screen, when > 10 versions TEST IS SKIPPED FOR SOME REASON As a user i should see empty state when no collections are available to display As an admin user i should be able to perform following actions on a selected Collection Delete a version of a collection Remove a version from repository Copy version to repository THIS NEEDS TO BE ADDRESSED Sign a version Sign a collection Delete a collection Deprecate a collection Remove a collection from repository Upload a new version Approve a collection As a user i should see following tabs on Collection details screen WE NEED A TEST THAT ASSERTS PROPER DATA AND FUNCTIONALITY ON THE TABS OF AN INDIVIDUAL COLLECTION   Details(need verification from UX, sounds to be same as Install tab) Install Documentation – I should see typeahead filter Contents     — I should see typeahead filter Import log Dependencies Distributions    
    • ANSTRAT-596 - Incorporate Hub into Platform UI
    • 3% To Do, 0% In Progress, 97% Done

      This needs to be updated with Acceptance Criteria and user stories

            mipospis@redhat.com Milan Pospisil
            mhradil-1 Martin Hradil
            Sarah Akus Sarah Akus
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue
